chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Kenshin felt all kind of emotion, he was afraid, afraid that the vision would happen, determination, he was determine to do whatever it would take to make sure the vision would never happen. He thanked the seer for the information and went outside, he saw his teammate, no they were his friend. Not seeing them for that extended period of time was going to be as hard, if not harder than the training itself. He looks at Fang, Tingle and Tauren and felt guilty, he wondered why. Why wasn't he allowed to tell them? What if it was the very thing that saved them? There was only two possibility that came to his mind. He thought back to the wizard that had helped them, that night when he had revealed the upcoming war , Kenshin now understood the statue were guardian wanting a neutrality . Was the seer scared that the same fate would happen to him? This made him mad, was the seer that selfish? His life could save so many. The other possibility was that he had saw a future where his teammate knowing had given them a worst future.
- I will need some time as the spell take some preparation, use this time to feast and say your goodbyes. Said the seer
The four friends went to the dinner hall, they were alone, Tauren went to the kitchen to fetch the food. The friends were quiet, the tension could be cut with a knife, even Fang who was usually super talkative was looking gloomy. Kenshin understood the situation called for motivation.
- we will be fine, we already grown so much stronger, beside we have our familiar with us, the war is coming and i feel like we are going to have a big part in it .
The other three looked at him before Fang said,
- it seem like a big problem, I agree we gotten stronger, but even with the support of Tauren's and her people, it seems we have little chance to do something
The silence was back just as quick as the conversation had ended, Kenshin got up and said
- we are stronger than it seems, Fang you are not only the stronger, but you have the biggest heart, you have the passion to lead and army,
Tingle you not only have a unique gift, it is thanks to your map that we are here now, as for you Tauren I wish I knew better, but you are kind and even though you are shy, you go out of your way to help other. Together we may not look like much but we can definitely hold our own.
The group got up and embrace each other, Kenshin was glad that his speech had raise the morale of the band, the rest of the feast went well, when the time had finally come, they got out to meet the seer. The place now smelled of herb that Kenshin didn't know, there was a strange blue flame, it was probably magic, no it definitely was, an hour ago it was sunny, now the sky was dark. Nobody was there but them and the seer, which was odd Kenshin could understand that the minotaur wouldn't come for them, but even the chieftain, Tauren's father wasn't there. Was there danger involved? The seer started.
- we are going to start the ritual, I believe you have the power of cloning yourself, he said looking at Sangoku , I'll need you, to clone yourself and teleport each to their respective destination once we are there, I will need to warn you, if you don't follow the directions some terrible thing can happen. In a year time you will have to use your magic, a special spell I will show you.By doing so I will be able to localize you. He gestures them to come, Sangoku went to him and they began the ritual. The seer started to talk in a foreign talk, but you could tell it was ancient. The seer whispered to Sangoku , Kenshin looked amazed, Sangoku created four clones of himself and as the seer touched him the clone transformed into the seer. Was that the ritual?
Kenshin finally understood one of the four would be assigned to each of them, he would also be in charge of their training. He was amazed at the strength it would take and understood without a doubt why he was so important for the minotaur. Then something that wasn't plan, or didn't seem planned at the very least happened the atmosphere changed a thunder erupted and the rain began to pour, by looking at the seer reaction this was bad, he heard a familiar voice says.
- ah I didn't believe it when i heard the rumors , said the voice
Kenshin looked in that direction and felt his whole being shaken to the core it was hard to make out but it was an elf with horn just like him, the stranger was surrounded by orcs and the devil tribes, there was even a bunch of humans, there numbers was well over the number of the minotaur and he could tell they didn't come to join the fight, they were there to fight! The horned elf seemed to be leading them, Kenshin knew him and his friend weren't ready, again he saw a flashing image the horned elf was now feet away from the seer, he heard fang screamed before he saw her disappear with the clone, then came tingle and finally Tauren. Were they dead? The horned elf leading the opponents show great speed and lunge at the seer piercing him with a lance Kenshin saw the scene and knew there was no coming back. He knew his friend were now nowhere to be seen and that the minotaur were fighting the devil tribes. For the first time in a long time Kenshin was facing a foe alone, him and Sangoku were separated, he saw the horned elf coming his way, blade was raised, his bow was now better at melee but if his opponent had gained so many followers, he must be pretty strong thought Kenshin, he had Sangoku , Kenshin was going to ask for his help but saw him being grabbed by a stone like warrior. He was going to close his eyes accept his fate , the fate the seer had predicted when a thunder strike lighting the field, Kenshin couldn't believe it he knew that face, physically they were so similar, but the face he was looking like his adoptive father ... then he came to a realization could it be ... no there was no way, it was Figwit , why wasn't he in the human world . Kenshin felt his heart dropped, if only Thrandull could see them now. He felt himself being grabbed and saw a flashing show of lights, it was blinding , is head was spinning , he felt himself becoming very sleepy. 

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