chapter 11

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Chapter 11

That morning Kenshin woke up feeling accomplished. He had a new weapon of amazing capacity and so did Fang, he could see her in the window training , she was already use to the axe. How incredible, he thought.
- Good morning Fang, he screamed
- She looked up beaming, Horn this weapon his fantastic it was probably forged by a famous orc blacksmith, you can feel the nature in it, it's amazing.
He would have to analyze it, thought Kenshin .When he heard the wizard calling him.
- Good mornings sir, thank for your hospitality.
- Could you please ask your friend to come in we need to talk.
Kenshin had a moment of fear. Was something wrong with Tingle, he needed to know he called Fang and they went in the kitchen.
-Is everything ok, ask Kenshin
- Listen up kid, I like you, you saved my friend Tingle, Fang you freed a man from his suffering a man who probably save my son in multiple fight, as for you Kenshin you brought me happy memories. But I need to be honest with you, both of you are elves, some people don't mind elves, the king guards don't, your bow, he said looking at Kenshin, your axe, I studied your axe, it an orc artifact with a great power the more combat you face and survive the stronger it gets, this weapon can even transform after a while, he said turning to Fang, there fantastic weapon but, your combat ability are low, this world will eat you alive. I decided to help you, to train you, you have a week, that the time it's going to take for our kobold friend to heal.
- Thank you, mister we will gladly accept your help, said Kenshin
What luck, the wizard was strong, the rune were the proof, the bow gifted by an elf lord a second proof.
- what about Tingle. Can he fight ?ask fang
The wizard laughs, he looked at Fang and said
- Tingle is stronger than both of you, the wizard got closer, both of you combine ,he added
Kenshin couldn't believe it
- What is the training consisting off aaaa how is Tingle stronger than us aaaaa.
The wizard laughed again
- You got to love the youth, he said, Tingle is now half werewolf and a kobold. kobold are naturally strong, and a werewolf are nearly unstoppable in hand-to-hand combat, not only that but the beast of the nature will defend him, not only that he already has mastered his familiar and he has a good understanding of his magical element.
- A familiar, a magical element? Ask Fang
- Yes, answered the wizard, to think the elf were once the ruler of this land, they never taught you?
- We weren't really accepted in our clan, said Kenshin
The wizard then had a smile, a smile of compassion. He brought them outside
- Let's start with the basic, he said, I want you two to close your eyes and think of your favorite place.
Kenshin thought and thought
- The forge, Fang said, I love that place, the heat, and the melting or metallic ores
- Fire, laugh the wizard, ah the orcs and fire
Good, good, he continued, you have very low magic power but you have some use it.
He pointed a staff at Fang, she screamed in pain but got right back up.
-Focus on the word fire let's see what spell that gave you, said the wizard
It took, Fang a couple of second but suddenly her axe got surrounded by fire it only lasted a couple of second.
- Guess that your limit for now, but it's a great spell you will be able to infuse fire in weapon, with practice you will be able to use it longer.
Kenshin was still thinking what was his favorite place, then it hit him, a tear rolls down his eyes, Thrandull shop.
- An herbalist shop, finally said Kenshin
- Ah what a peculiar shop, he said pointing is staff at Kenshin
Kenshin world went blank then he saw himself vines running after him, they were getting closer to him till they reach him, they didn't feel tight, as if they were hugging him. He went back to reality and raised a hand and a bunch of vines rise up from the ground, they caught the wizard leg.
- Very, very good both offensive and defensive this will prove very useful. The wizard said
Kenshin was very happy this pit stop had proven so useful. But what were familiar?
- You mention familiar, what are they?
The wizard smiled
- They will be your best allies in surviving there a projection of yourself, a very small percentage of people has a familiar, if you succeed in bringing them out, they will help you, follow you, even grow you, but be careful they can be killed, if they're killed it's over, you die too it's a risk you must be willing to face.
-How do we summon them, ask Fang
The wizard smile dropped; he became serious.
- Thats the hard part, you need to be in a near death situation, one where you are seconds from dying, they will come out.
- How will we achieve that, ask Fang
But Kenshin knew.
- Just promise us we will survive, he said to the wizard
The wizard nodded and threw a spell hitting them both, the pain was excruciating Kenshin never thought he could feel so much pain. He saw Fang fall eyes close; a small boar came out of her chest he was so small how could he help her, but he was rubbing his fur against Fang she opened her eyes giggling. Kenshin felt himself grow weaker by the second but manage to use analyze on the boar

*Analyse: noble boar priest Eryman familiar, combat strength weak, special ability healing
What a legendary familiar, the ability to heal alone was invaluable. Then he fell to the ground the boar came crashing his eyes closes. He woke up, minutes later surrounded by Fang the wizard, a boar and a small monkey the monkey had horns. That was his familiar he guessed. He used the analyze ability
*Analyse: mythical beast Sangoku familiar, combat ability medium, special ability cloning.
Wait cloning? That was also incredible, what was the limit could he summon an army?
- Good enough, said the wizard enough for today tonight, we rest.
Six days to train, a familiar and to master and magic. They were going to be busy, but the mage was right, it was important to also relax beside where could they go, they were hunted.
That night was fun, they played with the familiar turns out they were very different, Sangoku was a prankster and Eryman was much calmer, they went to sleep excited for the next day. The next day started early the mage was up and waiting for them outside, Kenshin still took the time to visit Tingle, fang was already in the place with Eryman, he was trying to heal her.
- morning, he said
- morning, she answered

Tingle seemed ok, he seemed much better than before and was breathing normally. After a short while, they went outside
- I thought the youth had energy get here you lazy one
He definitely seemed more serious
- The next six day are going to be hell I'm warning you, I have designed challenges for you, to help you master your new ability, Tingle completed them, so no excuse right.
- So where are we training? ask Kenshin
The wizard smile, it was the same smile Kenshin had when have diabolical plan
- You will each have a dome, a place close to the world created with magic, everything in those domes will try to kill you and I won't intervene.
- Wait we aren't training together? Asked Fang
But the wizard had already cast his spell Kenshin felt himself projected in a forest 

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