The end

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Raavi's pov

There are days in our life which we always want to cherish..
As times passes you realise that what ever happens , it happens for a reason..
My sepration from Shiva was also for a reason.. A reason in result of which I got the love I have always dreamed of , I got to understand the person who love me like anything in this world.. I got to realise that love is beyond two people eating ice cream together , or two people having a romantic ride outside the city.. Love is beyond one's understanding.. Love May be defined in May ways and everyone has their own point of view regarding it's meaning but at the end love is all about a feeling that makes you excited and secure at the Same time.. Love is about that one person who can make you feel butterflies with just one eye lock , love is about finding warmth in each other hug.. Love is beyond physical attraction.. Love is all about accepting and More importantly love is all about loving the person with your everything..

As I Sat in front my dressing table , dressed in a bridal lehenga I couldn't help but think about love.. My love shiva..
Yes I love him and yes I am getting married to him once again , this time by completing all the rituals with him.. I looked at the mehendi in my hand and smiled as my eyes landed on his Name SHIVA..

Its been a month since shiva pulled that sorry stunt.. Making me forgive him instantly not that I was angry with him after his confrantation but I still forgive him.. Though I was not angry I couldn't help but punish him for his words.. No ,no not to me his words for himself.. I know he had heard all this and it was his insecurities but I had to Make him realise that even he can't speak ill about the perosn who belongs to me.. Only I had the right to call him names no one else, not even he himself..
So after that sorry incident I had pressured him to take me back home so that i can start his torcher but he denied saying
Shiva - le jaunga Raavi le jaunga. Aur is baar hamehsa ke liye bas thoda intezar kar..

And this increased my angry so I started my torcher even before stepping inside the house..
Now please don't think that I am some circus Master to tourcher him hard I was leninent i would just add salt in his chai when he would come narayan house to meet me..

Ohh Yes he had apologised to mausa paa who forgive him instantly saying that he has to promise that he will keep me happy always , shiva did promised him that making mausa paa forgive him..
And then he apologised to mausi maa who obviously denied but then shiva took her to the room much to everyone's fear and came out after 1 hour..
I laughed remembering how everyone was terrified as to what they would have done to each other specially when no voice was coming from the room..
But when they both came out mausi was much relaxed and instantly forgave Shiva and to our Surprise she smiled at him.. Yess can you believe smiled at shiva and not that fearful or sarcastic smile it was genuine smile..
And much to my irritation till date I dont know what they talked..
Whenever I ask them they just say that what every difference they had between them it ended..

So now coming back to the punishment , as I said I would just add salt in his chai or when ever I use to take his food to the store I would make it extra masala wala..
And as I had already told him it was all part of my punishment he would have them without any fuss..

I laughed at how one day when he was busy because of something and he had not called me the whole day I became so mad about it and as a punishment asked him to colour his hair with red colour..
I was so sure he won't do tht but yet again its Shiva we are talking about and he likes to.give surprises just as he gave that day by coming to narayan house at night with his hair coloured red..

Everyone obviously laughed at him , but I realised how much this person love me that he let himself be a laughing stock just so that my words are fulfilled and that day I ended by punishment.. And only if the surprise was not enough shiva proposed me again for marraige to which I obviously was more than ready..
Maybe what he did was quite hard-hitting but his intentions were not and no matter what he did realised his mistakes.. In these one months shiva had done everything I would ask him for just making me realise that how much his love was strong for me..
In this one month we had started going out together.. We would not roam around the city holding hand or eat from the same icecream because shiva didn't liked all these but it never made me dought his love because the way he would walk beside me spreading a feeling of want inside me or when ever he would look at with adoration while I will be eating something or the way he always lookes for my safety all these was way more generous and loving..
His love was not always on display it was hidden .. He had made centre of universe his everything would start with me and end with me.. His eyes would always keep looking at me.. It was as if he was covering up for all these years we were not together..

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