'Who is he?' - Part 29

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I lay next to Andy, my head on his bare chest and my body in full contact with his. His right arm was wrapped tightly around my shoulders and his head was resting on top of mine. He would occasionally kiss the hair on the top of my head or stroke my naked shoulder gently with his thumb. Other than that, there was no communication. There was really no need for any, I felt relaxed and quite peaceful as I was. I shifted myself so I could wrap my arm around his body. I felt his stomach and chest muscles tense as I did so and then relax once I became still again. I pulled the duvet over myself slightly; my body had now returned to its normal temperature and my lack of clothes was being to make me feel a little cold, despite the body heat I was getting from Andy.

"Are you ok?" he asked, his voice muffled slightly as he spoke softly into my hair.

"Just a little cold," I replied.

He repositioned me so that he could wrap both of his arms around me and he nestled his head into my neck so that his hot breath tickled it each time he exhaled.

"Is that better, beautiful?" he asked.

I nodded, blushing. I felt his lips smile against my skin, knowing he could tell I'd blushed, even though he couldn't see my cheeks.

We lay like that for a little while longer before Andy said he was going to make us some tea. I watched him as he got out of bed, walking over to his wardrobe, first putting on a pair of boxers and then some baggy shorts and a t-shirt. He smiled at me when he turned around and left me in the bedroom. I picked up the t shirt he had worn previously and slipped it on so I could go to my own room to and get changed into my pyjamas - I'd deal with my clothes later, I wasn't entirely sure where they all were.

When I reached the kitchen in my pyjama bottoms and hoody, Andy was stirring something on the hob. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his stomach, resting my face on his back. He said nothing, just continued to cook and sing under his breath to the radio.

Whilst we ate our food, it was obvious how excited he was about going away, and I couldn't help but feel excitement for him.

"You had better bring me a present back," I teased.

"Of course I will," he grinned. I still couldn't get over how close we'd become in such a short time. "Are you sure you'll be okay on your own with Dave?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine - don't worry about me, just have a good time." He nodded and smiled once more.

When we'd finished eating, we sat on the sofa, my feet on his lap, both with a cup of coffee. We just chatted, making the most of the time we had before he left. It turned out he was returning the day that Lucas was. At least the anxiety of Lucas living here temporarily would be made better by me looking forward to having Andy back.

Our conversation was interrupted by a very drunk looking Dave practically falling through the door.

"Good night?" Andy asked, chuckling at the state Dave was in.

"Yeah, great actually," he said, the way he spoke proved just how much alcohol he had consumed.

"You've got work tomorrow, Dave," I said. I would have thought he'd have been more professional than to get drunk on a work night.

"I'll be fine, Rebecca. I can handle it." He stumbled over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of cold water before fumbling his shirt off and joining us in the lounge.

I looked at Andy who shook his head in disbelief - I wasn't sure whether this was due to Dave taking his top off or just the state he was in; it was likely to be both.

"So have you two had a good night then?" Dave asked, before gulping his water.

"Yeah, it's been nice," Andy answered. I was glad he didn't leave it up to me to respond - I was blushing as it was, despite Dave not even knowing what we'd been up to.

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