Part 15

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Later that night, after flicking through most of the channels available on their television, Andy came bounding into the room with a grin on his face.

"Do you want to see the photo's then?"

"Ooh, yeah," I grinned back at him excitedly. I followed him through to what I guessed was his version of a study room. The reason why his room didn't have many of the photos that he had taken was because they were all here. I took a deep breath in admiration of the hundreds of framed images on the walls that were pretty amazing.

"Do you like this room?" he smiled proudly. I nodded silently, walking around inspecting them all. Some of the people he had photographed were massive, he was so lucky.

"So have you met all the people you've photographed?" I asked, with eager curiosity.

"Most of them, yeah."

"Why couldn't I have known you when you'd met Coldplay?"

"Ha-ha, sorry - maybe next time?" he ran a hand through his fringe and beckoned me over to his desk. You could tell Andy was immensely proud of this room and it was tidier than his own bedroom. The walls were black and the wooden floor had only a glass desk and a leather chair taking up space on it. The framed images all had a spotlight above them.

"I thought you didn't make a fuss with decor like Dave does?" I smirked.

"Yeah, well, this room's special," he said in all seriousness. He pulled the chair out for me and I sat down, obeying him as he stood behind me, fiddling with the computer whilst he leant over my shoulder. I noticed his smell again; it was the kind of smell that a person has which means that when you smell it you feel at home and comfortable in their presence. I smiled to myself.

"I've already had a look through them; I'll leave you to it. I'm going to bed, today has tired me out," he yawned as if confirming this then laughed as he realised this "I'll see you in the morning, Becky." He squeezed my shoulder and picked something up off the printer before exiting, leaving me alone with about three hundred photographs in front of me. I knew it would be a while before I would be going to bed, I felt I had to look at every picture before I went - Andy deserved it.

There were a couple of photos of the random fans that Andy politely took then mine and his face filled the screen. I couldn't help but smile to myself. This photo summed up how I was beginning to feel about him; like I'd known him for years. Something in the back of my mind was telling me it was because I was desperate to find a replacement for Lucas, but I refused to believe this - the two men are completely different.

When I'd finished, I let out a big yawn accompanied by a stretch. I turned off the lights and plodded out of the room releasing I had to go into Andy's room to get my stuff if I was to sleep in the spare room tonight. I opened the door as quietly as possible and saw that Andy was sound asleep in the bed. The light from outside his room allowed me to find my bag and when I glanced at him a second time, I noticed that a new addition had been made to his wall. Above the double bed was the photograph taken of me and Andy earlier tonight. For some reason this gave me a warm feeling inside, but as Andy turned over restlessly in his sleep, I tiptoed quickly out of the room. Pulling the door shut behind, I turned to walk in the opposite direction when I bumped into a tired looking Dave. His shirt was creased and unbuttoned down to his stomach and the bottom of it was hanging loosely out of the top of his trousers. His brown hair was messy but in a strange way it suited him.

"Are you off somewhere?" he asked, gesturing towards my bag.

"Yeah, the guest room - I don't know where it is though," I explained.

"Follow me," he instructed and led me down a corridor I hadn't yet been down. He signalled that one of the doors was his room and a few metres along on the other side was the guest room. "Where did you sleep last night? I didn't see you after the argument you had with Lucas."  

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