Part 16

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  • Dedicated to Tom Bestwick

"I think you'll find that its 12:03, David," Scott gave him an aggressive smirk, "Please let me in, I'd like to see Andy."

Dave stood up as straight as he could. "Well he's not here, so you're not coming in." With this, he slammed the door shut in Scott's face and turned around to notice I'd witnessed the conversation. "Fancy going somewhere?" he asked, trying to get rid of his anger. I nodded and he went to fetch his long black coat from the back of a chair.

As he was sliding his left arm into the coat, the door swung open, revealing a soaked and out of breath Andy - it seemed as though he hadn't forgotten his keys this time after all. Peering over Andy's shoulder was Scott, whose cocky grin had gone now he'd seen that I was in the lounge. He lowered his head, as if was ashamed to be here when I was. 

"Sorry, Dave," Andy panted, "I didn't think I'd be gone that long."

"Well, we're going anyway, you two can kiss goodbye for as long as you want." Andy looked as if he wanted to respond to this, but just looked down at the floor instead, lost for words. I walked over to Dave, hating that I had to take sides. "Don't rush back, Scott. You won't be missed," Dave almost spat these words out.

The two of us headed towards the door and Dave stared impatiently at Scott, annoyed that he wasn't moving out of the way for us.

"You know how sorry I am, don't you?" I glanced up to meet Scott's eyes and nodded slightly before Dave pushed him out of the way, picking an umbrella up on his way past.

"Sorry doesn't count for much," Dave hissed in his face and I followed silently behind him. I looked round just before we got into the car and saw Andy with a hand on Scott's shoulder, looking at me with concerned eyes. "Let's get out of here," Dave said before revving the engine and pulling out off the drive.

We drove the way I'd walked the other night. If it hadn't of been raining, it would have been a beautiful drive. I was going to ask Dave where we were going but I decided that it was probably best to let him do his own thing, I don't think he'd really appreciate my intervention.

"How are Andy and Scott such good friends if you hate Scott so much?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road, but feeling Dave's head turn towards me for a second.

"Andy was friends with me and Scott separately. It's just a coincidence that me and Scott used to be friends," he put a lot of emphasis on the 'used'. "So I don't think it's really fair that I make him choose, Andy's a great guy, and he can make his own choices."I nodded in response.  "I'd suggest going for a walk today, but we don't want to end up looking as wet as Andy did. How does the cinema sound? There are a couple of good films on." This sounded good to me; it meant there would be minimal conversation which meant that there was a reduced chance of me saying something wrong of putting my foot in it.

"Yeah, we could go for a walk another time." I looked over at him to smile, but this time he didn't turn to face me.

We arrived at the cinema, where he rushed to my side of the car to open the door for me and to hold the umbrella so we were sheltered from the rain. He locked the car and we walked towards the cinema, as I shivered trying to stay under the umbrella whilst not getting in Dave's personal space.

"Are you cold?" he asked, looking at me.

"A bit, I forgot to pick my coat up on the way out, I didn't want to hold you up." Dave thought for a moment then put his arm around my shoulders, holding me close to him so I was both warmer and I wasn't getting the odd raindrop splashing onto me from the edge of the umbrella. I blushed, slightly taken aback by his closeness. This was the first time Dave and I had properly made contact. He quickened his pace as we weaved between the people on the pavement until we arrived.

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