Part 11

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First of all , i'm really sorry for all the typo's in Part 10 - my internet kept crashing so my editing got messed up. Secondly, thank you so much for reading this, it makes me happy to see all the views :) . If you want to, please vote or leave a comment, I'd love to see what you think. Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy it - Em.

"Look, just leave it you two." This seemed to be the extent of Lucas' input, as though he didn't want to take sides - but it's too late for that anyway. My hands had continued to scan the food automatically until I realised I had run out of items to scan through.

"£55." I directed at Lucas. He handed me the money.

"I'll speak to you soon, promise," he said as I handed him the receipt. I nodded and avoided eye contact with Kelly as they left.

I walked out of the supermarket at five o'clock to see Lucas' car parked directly in front of the exit. He beeped at me to ensure I couldn't act as though I hadn't seen him. I noticed there was no one in the passenger seat, so I walked over.  

"Managed to escape from Kelly?" I asked bitterly, really disappointed that he hadn't found someone better to be in a relationship with.

"Don't be like that," he sighed, "Just get in the car." I did as he said and smelt the smell that was Lucas. I hate that something has come between us. "Are you ok?" he asked in a way that wasn't just a polite throwaway comment that required a couple of words for an answer. But I didn't know how I was, so I couldn't truthfully answer him - so I didn't. "I apologise for Kelly's behaviour."

"Why is it your fault? You don't control her, even if she does control you."

"She does not control me," he said gently, not aggressively, as he could have done.

"I'm sorry Lucas, but it looks that way. It was clear she was in the wrong this morning and you still didn't stick up for me. Do you know how much that hurts?"

He looked down at the steering wheel. "Maybe you're right. I know deep down that you mean more to me, Becky. I might tell her I'm not ready to move just yet. I don't know how she'll take it though."

Now it was my turn to feel guilty. "As much as I disapprove of this relationship, I don't want to stand in the way of it. If you want to move, go for it. Just don't abandon me completely after all these years."

"You're amazing, do you know that? It seems as though I've got a lot of thinking to do." With that he pulled off, heading for my apartment. When we arrived, he turned the engine off; I guess he felt bad for not spending as much time with me lately. We went into my place and he walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on. I sat on the sofa and he came in with two steaming, very much welcome cups of coffee.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"It's the least I can do," he smiled back. These are my favourite times. As simple as they could be, chatting with Lucas and just lazing about have been some of my favourite times. We finished drinking and Lucas returned the cups to the kitchen. When he came back, there was a strange look on his face, but I guess they was a lot going on with him at the moment - which made now the best time to talk about everything. He sat beside me so our legs were just touching.

"We should talk about everything." I suggested.

"No, I don't want to talk today," he replied. He then brought his hand up to the left side of my face and moved in closer, so we were looking straight at one and other.

"Lucas, what's the matter?" I asked, still looking into his blue eyes. He didn't reply, but he brought his lips to mine and kissed me gently. I was about to pull away when his mouth began asking mine for entrance. I was too weak to refuse, though I knew I should do. His tongue began exploring my mouth and I brought my hand up to his face and into his hair. This set him off. He was no longer gentle, but forceful and desperate and I couldn't break the kiss. It should have felt wrong because we were best friends, but it didn't - not at all. He began to slowly push me backwards, so I was lying on the sofa, Lucas hovering over me. He pulled away for air and looked at me. Then lowered himself down onto me and began kissing me again, I lowered my hands to the bottom of his back, pulling him closer to me, his breathing became heavier.

"Lucas, what are we doing?" I asked, out of breath.

"I don't know," he responded as he lifted himself off me with the aid of my hands, obviously realising at the same time as I had, that we needed to stop. "I don't know what I'm doing with anything anymore," he said, rubbing his forehead. My face began to lose the shade of red that had coloured it as we settled into a seated position.

"How do you mean?" I pried.  

"You, Kelly, moving. I don't know what's going on and I don't know how to deal with it all." I didn't know how to respond to this, it was going to be a biased opinion whatever I said. "Tell me what you think." This was exactly what I didn't want to hear.

"If you're confused, how do you think I feel?"

"I don't know how you feel, that's why I'm asking you to explain," he laughed humourlessly. I looked at him whilst I tried to decode how I felt, but it was all a muddle to me, so it would be even more messed up for Lucas to understand. So I said nothing and remained looking at him. "Please talk to me, Becky, you always talk to me."

"But this is different, and I lot more difficult."

"Why though?"

"Because I feel like I'm making you choose, and I really don't want to do that," I explained. He sighed, as if he was agreeing, which didn't help me. A knock on the door interrupted our thoughts. I got up, wondering who would want to be visiting me - so I was completely shocked when I opened the door to see Scott looking back at me.

"Becky, can I come in?" he asked, out of breath.

"Who is it?" Lucas shouted.

"Oh," Scott said, clearly not expecting Lucas to be here with me.

"Don't worry, you're not intruding, come in." I ushered him in, so he didn't have chance to protest - momentarily forgetting the incident that had happened at Kelly's house, but I instantly regretted having the two men in the same room. Scott tensed when he saw Lucas sitting on the sofa.

"I could do with speaking to you alone, Rebecca" though he addressed me, he was still staring at Lucas.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving," Lucas said, "Bye Becky." He strode past us and left. I was quite shocked but glad he hadn't gone all protective on me like last time.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Coffee?" I replied, already on my way to the kitchen.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I began making our drinks, wondering why it was so important to see me today and why he was so abrupt about it. Suddenly, I pictured him and my brother and I froze for a minute. I didn't want that image in my head every time I saw him, but I had the feeling it wasn't going to go away. I handed him his mug and knew that this was going to be a completely different conversation to the one I had previously with Lucas.

"How are you, first of all?" he asked, worry in his eyes.

"Fine," I replied, fed up of the constant asking of the question from so many people.

"I know I'm probably you're least favourite person at the moment, its fine to hate me. I've hated myself for it ever since, however you look at it, whatever the situation - I am responsible. But whilst you're hearing about everything, I figured you should know it all at once - rather than hearing it in bits, it's best to get it all out of the way at once, surely?"

I was worried. "Go on," I said, sounding a lot more confident and prepared than I felt.

Scott rolled up black sleeves; was black all he wore? The only slight use of colour in his whole appearance were his piercing blue eyes that were under his furrowed eyebrows. "You need to know about this before he pisses off out of the city. I kind of feel it's my duty."

"Get on with it, Scott."

"It's about Lucas. He was more involved with John than you thought, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news."

"In what way? Of course he was, they were best mates"

"He was there too."

 I knew instantly where he meant by this. It didn't need explaining to me.

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