You Know I Don't Give A Damn What You Think Or Say.

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Chapter 5

Song: Undead by Hollywood Undead

Picture of Chris Ceruilli's parents house ----->

(Abigail Evans / First Person)

"WOAH! This place is awesome!" Ashley squealed.

Club Chandelier was very impressive. The amount of crystals hanging from the ceiling sparkling the room was simply beautiful. Ashley grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the bar. Men and women were dressed in A-List clothing, holding their glasses in the air. Most of the people in the club were on the dancefloor, moving to the beat of the music.Ashley was squealing with glee that we finally are inside this exclusive club, I on the other hand was pretty nervous. I havent been to a club since High School which would be 10 years ago! Wow... I feel old already and I'm only 27... As we arrived to the bar, Ashley insisted that I should drink.

"Two shots of Tequila pl-!" Ashley sqeaked.

"Make that only one" I interuppted her.

The female bartender nodded her head and walked away. Ashley started at me with annoyance written across her face.

"What?" I asked her innocently.

"Miss Evans? Why on earth did you change my order?"

"Because I don't want to drink Miss Green" I replied.

The bartender came back with a mini tequila shot. Placing it on the table, Ashley grabbed it, placing the glass to her lips and drank it quickly, causing her to become bewild.

"WOAH! Best. Drink. Ever!" She shouted!

I laughed at her reaction. I turned around to face everyone, dancing to the music. As one song ended another began playing that was completely different to dance music.

"OMG! Hollywood Undead!" Ashley screamed in my ear.

I raised my eyebrow at her, confused on what she was one about. Ashley looked at me annoyed again.

"What's with all the funny looks?" I asked her.

"Please tell me you know who Hollywood Undead are?"

I shook my head.

Hollywood Undead?

Sounds like a scary evil group.

Ashley grabbed my hand.

"Ash!? What are you-"

"We are going to dance!"

Within seconds, Ashley dragged me towards the dancefloor with bodies swaying and grinding on each other.We both managed to push ourselves to the middle of the dancefloor. Eveyone around us were moving their bodies sync to the beat of the music. All smiling and laughing, enjoying themselves excluding Ashley whereas I was standing still, looking terrified to move. Ashley grabbed my arms and swung them left to right, trying to make me move.

"Come on Abi! Feel the music!" She screamed as the music was so loud.

Closing my eyes, I focused to the rhythm of the music.

You better get up out the way

Tomorrow we'll rise, so let's fight today

"GO EVANS!" Ashley cheered

Swaying my hips from side to side, I followed the beat to the song. Hollywood Undead are actually not bad. Holding Ashleys hands, we danced together.

For the first time in forever, I felt happy.


"Well Well Well...Long time no see."

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