Mrs. Abigail Cerulli

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Sorry it's taken me a long time to write, it's been a year basically. I do extremely apologise for no updates but I'm hoping this will be the return of wattpad. My writing will be a little rusty but hopefully it goes well.

LetsKeepItASecret13 x

Chapter 8

Song: Run Run Run by Tokio Hotel

(Abigail Evans / Third Person)

Few days passed and Miss Evans or should we say Mrs Cerulli , was still locked up inside her hotel bedroom. Lying on the bed, not a sound or movement escaped her. Her eyes focused on the dull ceiling above her whilst droplets of tears ran down her face. It was evening in Vegas, the sun shimming down at the city as the whole sky painted purple, orange and a hint of blue.

Abigail refused to allowed her so called best friend into the room as she felt betrayed by her. She lifting her left arm above her face and stared at the black diamonds, red band engagement ring. More tears poured out of Abigail's eyes. She knew even if she took of the ring, by law Abigail was still married to Christopher Cerulli.

"I should of never came here" she croaked.

Getting up from the bed, Abigail entered into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Her make up from a few days ago ran stain down her face. She turned the shower on and began to strip off her clothes.

- flashback -

- 10 years ago -

"he cheated on me Ash" Abigail cried.

Ashley stroked her best friends hair whilst she was lying on her legs. Ashley got a Phonecall from Abigail asking her to come and pick her up and take her to her place. Once they finally arrived to Ash's house. Abigail immediately broke down.

"Do we know the girl he was with?" Ashley asked

Abigail shook her head.

Fury grew inside Ashley. How could Chris do this to her? She thought.

"I'm here for you Abi, I'll always be by your side"

- End of Flashback -

Abigail remembered what Ashley said on that night that kept replaying over and over her head.

I'll always be by your side.

"Where was she when I needed her to back me up?" Abigail whispered.

As the water continued to rain down on her body, Abigail grabbed the shampoo and washed all of the dirty and negativity of her body.


Wrapping the towel around her soaked body, Abigail heard a loud knock on the door.

"Please Abi! Let me in!" Ashley shouted.

"I'm sorry I didn't support you, please forgive me!"

Abigail stool behind the door with no facial expression. Unhooking the locks, she opened the door, to find her best friend almost in tears until a smile appeared once Abigail opened the door.

"Oh thank god! You're alive! Abi-"

Abigail raised her hand up to halt Ashley.

"Tell Chris to meet me at The Lago in an hour." Abigail spoke monotone.

Ashley looked confused.

One look at Ashley and Abigail anger grew more. She closed the door behind her whilst Ashley shouted again.

"Aren't you going to let me in!?"

Ignoring Ashley, Abigail opened her luggage and pulled out one of her favourite dresses that she's never worn before in public.

"I'll play your game for now Chris"

(Ashley Green / First Person)

" I can't believe she closed the door on me" I cried as Ghost cradled me in his arms.

I've been staying with the guys as Abigail kicked me out of our room. I miss my best friend so much, I should of supported her when she was arguing with Chris. Everyone gathered in the living room whilst I was telling them what happened when I went to go see Abigail.

"You messed up big time Chris" Balz groaned.

Chris laughed as he walked to the bar.

"She just being a drama queen, no worries! She'll get over it"  Chris spoke.

Anger boiled inside me. I got off Devin's lap and walked towards him.

"Balz is right. If it weren't for you marrying Abigail when she was drunk, I wouldn't be in this mess! You only think about yourself Cerulli" I hissed.

Chris glared back at me.

"By the btw Mrs Cerulli wants you to meet her at The Lago in an hour, and by the looks of it, you have 20 minutes to get down and get ready" I spoke.

Chris poured himself another drink.

"Excuse me gentlemen and lady. But it seems I have a date with my wife." He sang.

Ricky got up from the sofa and started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going man?" Chris asked.

Ricky turned around, showing fury in his face.

"You just don't know when to stop." He spat.

Opening the door and slamming it shut. Everyone in the room fell silent.

Reviews and comments guys! What did you think of the chapter. I'll proof read when tomorrow but I hope you's enjoyed it.

LetsKeepItASecret13 X

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