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Hi Everyone,

Feels good to be back 😈

Enjoy the Chapter.

Song: I'm A Wanted Man by Royal Deluxe

Picture of Abigail's Dress ------>

(Chris Cerulli / First Person)

"What floor sir?" The elevator operator asked.

"Ground floor please"

The Operator pressed the G button. The elevator door closed slowly and the began to go down, floor by floor. I was on the 10th floor but it felt like forever reaching down the bottom. On floor eight, an elderly couple joined us. Elderly people in Vegas? I didn't think they would be insterested at all. On Floor 4, a couple with a baby joined the ride with a push chair, cramming all of us in. I don't want to get my black shirt dirty. Everyone's eyes were fowards towards the door. The baby in the pushchair stared at me till we all reached to the bottom floor. I couldn't help but smile at the child however the child screamed. The parents glared at me for scaring their baby whilst the elderly couple stook their heads in disappointment.

As the doors opened, I immediately got out of the elevator.

I'm starting to hate kids.

it was 8:56pm and the casino was filled with gamblers. One party was crying with glee wheres some parties were drunk as hell. No wonder they call it City of Sins. Walking past the drunk and gamblers, I found the restaurant Abigail wanted me to meet her.

The Lago

Time to see my wife!

Arriving to The Lago, a lady standing behind a desk stood up and smiled at me.

"Good evening sir? Have you got a reservation?" She asked.

I must say, this girl is mighty fine. Scarlet red hair, slicked back into a ponytail. A white blouse perfect size for her body and a knee length black tight skirt to complement her figure. Beautiful she may be however she's not Abigail.

"I'm meeting someone here, Her name is Abigail." I explained.

The lady looked her a book in front of her.

"May I have the last name?"

Would she put Evans or Cerulli?

"Erm. Cerulli?"

Looking again, the girl looked up and smiled again whilst picking up a menu.

"Yep, Right this way."

The place was packed with people, some were laughing and drinking whilst I was passing by to get towards my table, I got some glared. Honestly society need to stop being so damn close minded. As the lady points to my table, I notice Abigail isn't alone with her. A man is with her. Who the hell is it!?Her wavy blonde hair fell onto her small shoulders. Her make up was dark and evil, the smokey eye effect. 

I like.

I see Abigail looking down on the table whilst her hands were linked with the person who was sitting with her. She looked up at the person and smile. The man lifted her hand near his face and kissed them lightly.


Abigail notices me and her smile drops. Saying something to the man, both of them stand up and embrace into a hug. Abigail was wearing a stunning tight long black dress with a slit on the side showing the majority of her leg. One more inch up and you would of seen her underwear. Walking towards them, both turned around to face me. Betrayal fell inside me.  The man with Abigail was my best friend.


( Abigail Cerulli / Third Person)

" We'll get this sorted, I promise Abigail" Ricky cooed.

Sitting the restaurant with the man who wasn't her husband was Abigail. Abigail bumped into Ricky at the gift shop and she asked him if he could join her before Chris arrived to see her. Depression drowned her for days, betrayal stabbed her across her chest. How could this happened to poor Abigail Evans?

" Thank you Ricky, you're such a great friend" Abigail spoke.

Standing up their chairs, Ricky and Abigail embraced into a tight brotherly hug until Abigail's face dropped to see Mr. Christopher Ceruili glared at them both.

"What are you doing here with my wife? "  Chris snarled.

Ricky rolled his eyes and smiled at Chris.

"Oh nothing Chris. I was just saying hello to Abigail but I will go now" Ricky gleamed.

Giving a light kiss on the cheek to Abigail, Ricky left the restaurant in silence. Both Abigail and Chris were still standing up making it very uncomfortable for the staff and guest. Abigail gracefully sat back down in her seat, ordered Chris to sit down too. Flicking her hair away from her shoulder, the fragrance from her skin intoxicated Chris. He was craving the woman in front of me.

"So you wanted me-"

Abigail pressed his finger onto Chris' lips.

"No. You're not here to talk Cerulli, I will be doing the taking the whole we are sat on his table. Got it" Abigail hissed.

Chris nodded.

Where did all this confidence come from she thought to herself. Two glasses of vodka straight arrived on the table. Abigail took a swing at one glass.

"Are you sure you want the other one?" Chris teased.

Abigail glared at him, smashing the glass on the table.

"Listen to me Chris, I've discovered by the laws of Nevada if you want to terminate you marriage license, you can do so after 30 days of marriage so I will stick to being married to you for that period of time but after that, we will be going to that courthouse and I will put a gun to your head till you sign those divorce pages. Got it?" Abigail snarled.

Chris grabbed the vodka from the table and chugged the drink down. Chris could help and let a smile form on his lips.

"Got it."

"I don't want any bullshit from you Cerulli at all. This marriage will be over before you know it! " Abigail continued.

Chris began to laugh making Abigail confused with his response.

"Oh baby you will change your mind before the 30 days, I promise you that." Chris cooed.

Abigail was taken by surprise with his response. Chris leaned over the table, getting closer to Abigail's face, inches away.

"Since I have 30 days to change your mind, I want us to try this out properly. No fighting , no arguing just be a happy normal couple-"

"You are joking right-"

Chris pressed his finger onto Abigails lips. Leaning closer to her ear, he whispers.

"You are mine Mrs. Cerulli. I want you to be mine for the rest of our lives, I want to be yours. Please try this out and I promise once the 30 days are over I will sign them papers and you will never hear from me again."

Abigails heart fluttered hearing the words of Chris. You are mine repeated in her head. She wasn't going to let him think she has been swooned by him. Sitting back in his chair, Chris waited for Abigail's response. Extending her hand out Abigail agreed.


Chris smirked and shook her hand.


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