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Chapter 4

Picture of Chandelier Club in Las Vegas -------->

Song: Reaching For The Floor by Breathe Carolina

(Chris Motionless / First Person)

"Hell yeah! This club is awesome" Ricky cheered.

The guys and I decided to try a new club at MGM Grand. Shake things up abit! All of us stood at the entrance, admiring the beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

No wonder they called it chandelier.

The club was grand with a massive bar standing in the middle on the floor. Tiny crystals hanged at the edge of the bar to the top floor of the place. Different colours lighted the room creating the crystals to sparkle more. People stood with there drinks in their hands, while others were on the dance floor swaying to the beat of the music. I've been to clubs before, some are very dirty and just plain wrong. However, this club looks pretty cool.

Ricky stood in front of our view with a grin on his face and his arm spread wide.

"You see guys! I told you this place was cool!" Ricky gleemed.

"At least it's better than that other club Balz took us yesterday" Ryan nudged at Balz.

Balz rolled his eyes and blush from humiliation.

"I thought that place would be good" Ryan squeaked.

"Losing your voice there Ryan?" Ghost commented.

All of us laughed.

"Come on! Let's go get some drinks and find some ladies to get with!" Ricky shouted while winking and nudging me.

I couldn't help and smirk.

Passing the people to get closer to the bar, some were giving the guys and I cold glares. One guy even shouted Devil worshippers to us! Yeah....right....because that's what we are.


It's like they have never seen people with piercings! All of us were wearing suits as we found out that the top clubs do not except people with band shirts and skinny jeans. I was wearing a plain white, long sleeved shirt, black blazer and trousers.

As we all arrived at the bar, a female brunette bartender appeared.

"Welcome to Chandelier! What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked while smiling at us.

"By any chance are you on list of drinks to have?" Ricky flirted.

All of us looked at him confused. The girl leaned over the counter and pulled his shirt. With a smile on her face, she replied.

"Try to flirt with me again and I will cut your balls. Got it?"

I covered my mouth to control my laughter while Ryan buried his face onto Balz shoulder to keep his laughter quiet whereas Ghost couldn't help but smirk.

Poor Ricky, he smiled a nervous grin and nodded to the girl. As the girl released Ricky's shirt, she asked us again what we wanted to drink.

"Five whiskeys on the rocks please?" Ghost asked.

The girl left to prepare our drinks.

"Smooth move there Ricky." Ryan nudged him.

"Lady killer over here!" Balz shouted.

"Fools. The first sign of love is when a girl hates you." Ricky cooly explained.

"Or she really wants to beat the crap out you." Ghost answered.

We all laughed at Ricky again.

The girl arrived with five whiskeys and I handed her my black credit card. I unbuttoned my white shirt, revealing some of my tattoos on my chest, as it was getting pretty hot in here. Once I got my credit card back, we wondered around to find a round table for all of is to sit and took off our stupid blazers.

"Man, I hate these stupid things!" Ryan complained.

As we all down, I removed my blazer off and rolled up my sleeves half way. You could see the tattoos on my arms.

"Alright! I'm going to the Dancefloor to pick up some chicks! Who's gonna be my wing man?" Balz cheered.

Ricky stood up, posing as a superhero.

"I will come and join the journey to find a hot chick." Ricky cheered!

Oh brother...

As the Ricky and Balz left, Ryan felt left out so we went to join them on the Dancefloor while Ghost and I stayed with our whiskeys in our hands and continued to drink.

Sometimes I feel like I'm looking after kids.

(Ricky Horror / First person)


Fourth time I'm rejected on the Dancefloor.


I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around I saw Ryan and Balz laughing.

"Aww is poor little Ricky having no luck find a girl?" Balz baby talked.

"I will find a chick to dance with me!" Ricky shouted.

The Dancefloor was covered with beautiful girls swaying their bodies to the beat of the music. As the man I am, I must find a little lady who needs Ricky in there lives. Ryan and Balz found chicks easily while I was dancing alone.

Sad me.

Whilst they were dancing with there hot chicks, I noticed a girl with sunlight blonde hair, wearing a killer sexy black dress. Her and her friend I'm guessing were dancing, moving there bodies ever so sexy. I could only see the face of her friend but not the blonde girl.

"Dude? Found a chick yet?" Balz asked.

Pointing at the girl I found, Balz smiled and continued to dance with his girl. Shoving and moving through the people on the Dancefloor, I really wanted to know who this blonde girl is. She's hot! As I got closer to the girl, I stopped. The girl was giggling, flicking her blonde hair back while her brown eyes stared at her friend.

"Holy crap!" I shouted.

I quickly try to move away as possible from the girl when I suddenly bumped into Ryan.

"Dude! What's wrong with you?" Ryan groaned.

I ignored Ryan and walked out of the Dancefloor. Searching around, I found Chris making out with a brunette girl while Ghost was on his phone.


Running up to the table, Chris continued to making out with the girl.

"What's up Rick?" Ghost asked.

Bouncing up and down like a little boy, I spoke.

"Need to speak to Chris immediately!"

Chris pushed the girl slowly away from him and looked at me with annoyance.

"What do you want Ricky?"

I pointed at the girl on the Dancefloor.

The only thing I watched was Chris stand up from his chair and walked into the pit of the Dancefloor.

Hey everyone!

How are you liking the story so far? I would love to hear some feedback please. Apologises for any spelling mistakes or grammar, I'll clean it up as soon as I get back, I was wanting to update this chapter today

LetsKeepItASecret13 x

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