Las Vegas Baby!

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Chapter 2:

Picture of The Bellagio Hotel ------>

(Abigail Evans / First Person )

I sat on the plane next to a sleeping Ashley as we made our way to my death in Las Vegas.Still wondering why I had said yes, this was going to be a mistake I could already feel that. I never did anything outside of my box and was feeling uncomfortable being away from home, I was mainly worried about my cat Jiji. I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts, me coming here could be a good thing. I could maybe meet some nice guy who I will end up marrying or meet some new friends.Once again shook my head knowing none of that was going to happen knowing my luck I will probably end up actually being dead.

"Perpare for landing."

Thespeaker announced.Looking over at Ashley, she was drooling.

"Ash?,"I said shaking her lightly, I frowned as I didn't get an answer.

"Ashley!" I said a little louder as she jumped awake.

"What!? I was having a wonderful dream about some guy named... Well I don't remember his name but a good dream." She whinned as she looked at me.

"The planes landing." I said with a short chuckle.

"Oh! Yay! We made it." She said smiling while looking out of the window.

"We made it this far." I said dully.

"Oh don't be such a drag, this trip will be fun." Ashley said turning to look back at me.

"Whatever." I mumbled pulling my head up in a pony tail.


"Look at all the lights!" Ashley said as we jumped into a taxi car that was to take us to our hotel.

"I know they are so pretty!" I said trying to take in everything at once.

"Hunny they aren't pretty their flashy!" Ashley said with a giggle.

"First time in Vegas?" The taxi driver said looking at us threw his mirror.

"Yeah." I answered meeting his eyes.

"Well that old saying 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' isn't just a saying it speaks truth." He said with a sly wink.

I nodded my head "We'll keep that in mind." I said grabbing a hold of Ashley's arm pulling on it to which she only laughed.

After about a minute we pulled up to a huge hotel covered with all the flashy lights

The Bellagio.

"Well here we go, don't get into too much trouble." The driver said as I paid him almost running out of his car.

"I think he liked you." Ashley said as we got out stuff from the trunk of the car, I only gave her a look.

"Okay lets go get our rooms." She than said walking away from me and into the building.

As soon as I walked in I couldn't believe my eyes, this place was huge! I looked around trying my best to take everything in all at once, this place was beautiful. The ceiling was covered in beautiful chandaliers.Slot machines everywhere around the room.Itailan style mosiac floors with beautifully designed panitings on the walls.Both of us walked up to the front desks with hurt necks from the constant moving.

"Good evening! Need a room?" A lady at the desk chripped with a smile.

"We actually have reservations, the name is under Ashley." Ashley said smiling back as the lady started to type on the computer in front of her.

"Ah yes! Here you guys are, one room two beds am I correct?" She asked us as we both nodded our heads,

"Alright here are your keys your room number is 30 on the second floor." She said waving us off towards the elevators.

Ashley and I once again nodded our heads, dragging our luggage towards the elevators, as soon as we stepped in Ashley made a high squeal.

"I can't beileve we actually are here! I thought we were gonna say no and never let me talk again!" She cried clapping her hands a little.

I smiled over at my life long friend.

"Well I wanted to do something new and coming here would allow me to do that plus I think it will be good for me to have some fun." I said as the doors opened up showing a long narrow hallway.

"You do need to have some and that will start tonight." Ashley said with a devlish smirk.

"Let's just find our room first." I said keeping my eyes out for the number 30.

SORRY FOR TAKING LONG TO UPDATE THIS CHAPTER! It shouldn't of taken long because I was suppose to copy an email to here :/ I apologise everyone. How is everyone? How are you finding the story so far? Credits will go to @MasterOfUnicornMikey as this is her original chapter for this story. I only just wrote the description of the Bellagio hotel because I've stayed in that hotel xD yep that's right i've been to Las Vegas hahaha.

LetsKeepItASecret13 x

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