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- Mickimomo

 - Mickimomo

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Harry's POV

The rain seemed endless as we drove quietly in a sleek black car down a narrow road that was slowly leading us up and down the giant silhouettes of glaring mountains.

My eyes watched droplets race down the backseat window.

Soft jazzy tunes buzzed through the struggling car radio that was trying its hardest to stay connected with the outside world.

My eyes flickered to the reflection of a blond boy gently licking his thumb before turning the page of an old burgundy book settled in front of a pair of racing raindrops.

In the background, Professor Syracuse drove while humming along softly to a static-y tune.

It brought an odd comfort to everyone in the car.

Since we hit the road, Draco had been fixated on reading up on Unum and was nose deep in some of Saint Alexander's greatest forbidden literature.

Only direct descendants of him had access to his works.

Or at least that was the case until somehow Draco's mother obtained a bootleg version.

Professor Syracuse had given Draco a modified version of the original book that was charmed in a manner that prevented readers from turning to certain pages adorned with nasty dark and powerful magic.

It was definitely something that peeked my interest, but he didn't want to find out what the charms did and read within his provided bound.

He's definitely better than me.

Over the past few hours, Professor Snape would occasionally cast his wife a concerned glance and she would shrug off his gaze with a tired sigh.

After earning an irritated huff several glances later, he gave up on poking and probing, and was now dozing peacefully against the chilly passenger window with his pale knuckles propping his head up.

It was even more odd how peaceful everything seemed.

It was almost as if we were a real family... and I was taking my boyfriend home for Christmas.

My gaze softened at the thought before I glanced up at Professor Syracuse.

I knew we were somewhere in Italy... something about Tuscany.... and the Apennines... or at least that's what I was able to pluck out from the conversations I listened in on while I faked sleeping earlier.


Tired brown eyes flickered up at me in the upper mirror.

"Yes, Harry?"

"Where are we heading to?"

"My home."

"Where's your home?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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