Chapter 8

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Toshiro POV

When I left Kisuke's place Rose looked sad, but happy at the same time. When I got back to the soul society I started to head back to head caption Yamamoto's office. When I am all most there I see Rangiku walking and stumbling. 'She's been drinking again I know it. That dam idiot.' I thought to my self.

Toshiro: "MATUMOTO." I yelled and an angry vain pops on to my head.

She flinches and ran up to me.

Rangiku: "Oh caption I dint know you where coming back today." She said in a happy mood.
Toshiro: "Get BACK TO WORK NOW." I yelled.
Rangiku: "OK." She said in a sour voice and with a sigh.
Toshiro: "Oh and clean your self up you reek of sake." I said with a cold voice.

I continued my way to the head captions office.

Time Skip
Head Captions Office

When I reach the head captions office I knock on the door.

????: "ENTER." A strong voice said.

I open the door to see head caption Yamamoto siting at his desk.

Yamamoto: "Have you brought the girl caption Hitsugaya?" He asked.
Toshiro: "No I haven't."
Yamamoto: "And why not?"
Toshiro: "Because."

I told him why I dint bring her.

Yamamoto: "I see. When she get back here I want to speak to her."
Toshiro: "Ok. Is there going to be a punishment?" I asked.
Yamamoto: "Yes. It will be jail for about 2 weeks."
Toshiro: "Ok."
Yamamoto: "You may be dismiss."

I leave the office and head to my office.

Authors Note

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