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Sof 😇

How was the check up?
Sorry I couldn’t tag along

I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner
but I fucked up big time, Sof

Something wrong?

Yes and no
I’m already pregnant

But weren’t they gonna wait til next month?
Did they make a mistake, like in Jane the Virgin?

It didn’t happen through ivf
It happened the natural way


You know where a guy puts his penis inside the girls vagina?
That’s how I got pregnant

ffs Mari I know how sex works 😒
I want know with whom it happened and when

Okay, I’m sorry Sof
It happened after the euro finals, when we went back to St. George's
You were consoling Saka and a random guy walked up to me and we started talking
One thing led to another...
I normally wouldn’t do this, but I guess I was still hung up on Alex and with all the hormones raging inside me
I just wanted to forget everything for once

It’s okay Mari
Don’t forget I once had a one night stand too
But I didn’t get pregnant afterwards 😉
Didn’t you learn to use a condom?

We did use one, but it probably broke
Oh god Sof I feel like such an idiot right now
Who gets pregnant after a one night stand?

Believe when I say that lots of people do
But if it makes you feel better we can always say the ivf procedure worked
Can I now know who the father is? ☺️

Why are you not mad about this?
When I started dating Alex you were fuming...

I was out of line then
And I don’t wanna stress you out even more
So please tell me who it is 🤗

He only told me his name was Ben,
no last name...

You didn’t look for him on insta?

No I wanted to forget about it
So I didn’t want to search him

Well seems like you won’t be able to forget him
You’ll have a lasting memory of him 😉

Stop it Sof, you only make me feel worse
Do you know any Ben's on the team?

Yeah I do. There are two Ben’s on the team
One recently joined Arsenal

God I hope it isn’t him

Which one is it? 😇

The one in the backThat's him!

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The one in the back
That's him!

Should've known it was him, he's too charming for his own good

He was quite charming yes
But is he Arsenal Ben?

Of course he's charming
He talked you into his bed ffs 🙄
But no he plays for Chelsea 🤮

Oh thank god 🙈
Don't think I'd ever watch an Arsenal game again if he did
But Chelsea is that the blue team from London?

Yeah and even tho I'm a bit disappointed with the team
I've to admit that your kid is gonna be fucking gorgeous 😵

He's a good looking lad, isn't he?

Definitly 🤫
But are you gonna tell him?

No I don’t think so
I don’t want to make him feel obligated to raise a kid he didn’t plan to have
And I was already prepared to raise a kid on my own
So it wouldn’t be a big problem

Well whatever you choose know that Kieran and I will always support you
We look forward to being the crazy aunt and uncle 😘

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