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Golden trio

It's mine, lads

What's yours? 🤔

Mari's baby
It's actually mine after all

WHAT?! 😱
How did you find out?

I went to surprise her at her check up
and the doctor said she was 30 weeks along and not 32 weeks like Marion said
We all know what happened then

Wow! I think congrats are in order then

Daddy Chilly! 😍

Thanks guys

You don't seem that happy 🤔

I'm happy, but I'm sad because Mari lied
It feels like she doesn't trust me

You got mad at her innit?

Yeah I feel terrible
I was full on shouting at her

smh Ben a pregnant woman needs to avoid stress at any cost 🙄

I fucking know Jack!
Since when did you become a pregnancy expert? 😑
I was just mad because she kept it from me
I should've been there every step of the way

But you've been there for her Ben
Maybe not in the way you imagined, but she let you in
You even know the gender, while no one else does

Yeah you were already kinda the baby's father before you knew it was yours

I know, but I still missed out on a lot
I missed all the ultrasounds and check ups

I understand
What are you gonna do now?

I told her I needed some time alone

Don't take too much time
You only have 10 weeks left before the baby is born

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