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Benjamin 🧁

Hey Marion
I think we need to talk
Can you come over at 7?

Of course
I'll be there


Marion can feel the nerves raging through her body when she walks down Ben's driveway.

It's the first time she heard from him since that day at the gyneacologist, two weeks ago. She knows she messed up by keeping it a secret, but she hopes he can forgive her.

"Hey Marion. Come on in," Ben greets her.

They both sit down on the sofa in Ben's big living room. Ben takes her hands in his and looks straight into her eyes.

"I'm sorry for walking out like that Mari. I shouldn't have done that."

"No Ben you shouldn't apologize. I'm at fault here. I was the one afraid of telling the truth," Mari says. "I should've told you the moment we got together, but I was afraid to lose you."

"You wouldn't have lost me Mari." Ben squeezes her hands lightly. "I love you and the baby so much."

"I love you too Ben. I feel really terrible for doing this to you, I hope you can forgive me."

Ben smiles. "I've discovered that I can't stay mad at you for longer than 3 hours. So I've forgiven you two weeks ago."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I kept stressing over it and you know I can't get stressed out right now," Marion exclaims.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I had to do something first," Ben gets up from the sofa and pulls Mari with him.

They walk up the stairs and to one of the many doors in the hallway. Ben asks her to close her eyes. She can hear him opening a door. Slowly he leads her through the door.

"You can open your eyes," he whispers softly in her ear.

Mari's mouth drops when she opens her eyes. In front of her is a fully decorated nursery. It's full of furniture and toys.

"It's gorgeous Ben." She turns towards him and wraps her arms thightly around him.

"Thanks, I tried to keep it plain, so you won't know what it is," Ben tells.

"I already know, you kinda let it slip when you were mad," Mari smiles.

Ben's eyes widen. "Oh I'm so sorry love," he apologizes.

"No worries, but it seems like you were right after all."

A smug look appears on Ben's face. "Call it daddy senses."

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