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"Hey Mari," Ben greets her when she opens the door. "Wow your belly really popped."

Marion carefully craddles her small baby bump. The last few days it started growing in size and she can't hide the fact that she's pregnant anymore.

"Well thanks for the compliment Ben," she laughs while walking him to her living room.
"So why are you gracing me with your company?"

"Got you something," Ben grins and shows her the box in his hands. "I know you were craving these."

"Cupcakes?" Mari exclaims. "Thanks Ben." She hugs him tightly. "I'm getting some plates so we can taste them."

Ben follows her to the kitchen and immediatly spots the ultrasound pictures on the fridge. He walks over to it.

"She's getting big now," he says.

"She?" Mari pulls up her eyebrows. "Who says it's a girl?"

"I think it's gonna be a girl. A little princess, just like her mom," Ben answers while walking over to Marion. "Do you know the gender already?"

"No I want it to be a surprise. I don't want to know what it is as long as the baby is healthy," she says while touching her belly. The moment she touches it, the baby decides to move for the first time.

Her eyes widen and Ben's is immediatly worried. "What's wrong Mari?"

"It's moving." She takes Ben's hand and places it on her belly.

Ben looks Mari in the eyes when the baby kicks again. They are both smiling brightly. His eyes drop down to her lips and slowly he moves his face closer.

"Mari! We got you take away!"

They jump away from each other at hearing Sophie's voice thundering through the appartment. Marion proceeds with putting the cupcakes on a plate and Ben just stands there not knowing what to do.

"Hey Mari, we got you Italian," Sophie says while walking into the kitchen, clearly no clue what she just interrupted. "Oh hey Ben, you're here as well. I hope I have enough."

Kieran walks close behind her. "Hey Mari and Ben. How's the baby doing?" The Scot walks straight to Marion and hugs her. It's clear that not only Sophie is Mari's best friend but Kieran too.

"Great, it just kicked," Marion tells.

"Really?" Sophie exclaims. She drops the bags and pushes Kieran away to touch Mari's bump.

Kieran laughs at Sophie's antics. "Careful bonnie."

"I just want to feel my godson," she says.

"You think it's gonna be a boy?" Mari says. "Ben thinks it's a girl."

Sophie looks at Ben, who's smiling sheepishly. "Clearly you're wrong. It's gonna be a boy. I saw it on the ultrasound."

"No you didn't Sof. You don't even recognize the hands and the feet," Mari laughs.

"Well whatever it is, it's gonna be raised as a proper Gunner," Sophie grins in Ben's direction.

"Nah it's gonna be a Blue," Ben says.

Mari's glad that Sophie accepted Ben without a problem. She likes to mock him for playing at Chelsea, but it's clear that's just some banter.

"If it were up to me it's gonna be a Celtic fan," Kieran interrupts. "Already ordered its first kit."

"What if my kid isn't into football?" Marion asks and all three turn their head to her.

"As if it isn't gonna like football with us as aunt and uncles," Sophie answers while pointing at Kieran and Ben.

BABY | B. CHILWELLWhere stories live. Discover now