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Ben walks over to Marion, who's watching Jack show off Eleanor to everyone in the room. She has a tiny smile on her face.

It reminds him of the first time they met each other. Ben had noticed her observing from the side not really knowing anyone. She had immediatly captured his eye. Her shiny black, that just screamed to run your hand through, and her soft smile.
When he found the courage the walk up to her and have a little chat, he'd never thought they would end up like this. He couldn't be happier though with how it all turned out.

"Hey you," Ben greets Marion while draping on arm around her waist. "You alright?"

Marion looks up at Ben. "Yeah, just letting it all sink in. A year ago I was still wondering if I'd ever be a mother and now I just got home with our baby girl," she tells him.

Ben's face lights up at hearing one particular word. "Home? Does this mean that you're moving in?"

Marion puts a hand on his cheeck and gazes into his soft blue eyes. "Yes, you're my home Benjamin. You and Eleanor."

"I love you MJ."

"I love you too Benjamin." She places a passionate kiss on his lips. "But now I'm gonna save our daughter from Jack or else she'll be corrupted before she can even talk," Marion says when she pulls away.


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So this was the last chapter.
I hope you've all enjoyed it!

BABY | B. CHILWELLWhere stories live. Discover now