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I got out of the washing machine unharmed
No worries! 😉

Hello Benjamin!
I wasn’t actually worried
Sophie was mocking me 😑

I know
It was just a fun conversation starter
Sophie likes to bother you, doesn’t she?

I don’t know why I ever befriended her to be honest 😅

It explains this


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I think it’s cute 😘
So you were at the game today?
I would’ve loved to see you again
Maybe you should come to one of my games next time

This was supposed to be a one off thing
I don’t think this is a good idea

Well I don’t want this to be a one off thing
I really want to get to know you Marion
Maybe it won’t work out, but I want to try at least

I need stability right now Ben
I don’t think you can give me that
You have girls lining up for you
So enjoy it while you can

I can’t enjoy it Mari
You’ve been on my mind 24/7 for the past month
Please give me a chance
One date and if you don’t like me after that I’ll leave you alone for good

One date...

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