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Kieran rushes through the hospital hallways. When he rounds the corner he immediately sees his girlfriend pacing up and down.

"Hey bonnie, how is it going?" he asks while pulling Sophie in a hug to calm her down.

"She's ready to give birth. They moved her to another room over an hour ago," Sophie explains. "It could be any moment now."

"Is Ben here already?"

"Yeah he immediately came back from Leeds when I told him the contractions started last night. He hasn't left her side," Sophie smiles. "He'll be a great dad."

Kieran nods in agreement. He's happy for Mari that she finally found someone who's worth her time.

"Any updates?" An older couple walks around the corner with a coffee in their hands, Marion's parents. "Oh hello Kieran, how was the game?" Mari's dad asks.

Kieran starts talking to Marion's father about the game, while Sophie talks to her mother.

Fifteen minutes later there's still no update on Marion. In the meantime Ben's parents have also joined them in the waiting room.
Ben's mother is absolutely elated about having a grandchild even though she didn't know about it till a few weeks ago.

"Are we still on time?" Mason, Declan, Jack and James are running towards them.

"Just in time!" A voice says and everyone turns around to see a brightly smiling Ben.
"I can proudly announce we've become parents to a baby girl!"

Everyone starts shouting congratulations and hugging Ben.

"You can come and see her but not all at the same time," Ben says. "Grandparents first and after that the godparents with partner."

"Ehm Ben who exactly is the godfather, because you never told me?" Sophie asks.

"Well," Ben turns to look at Jack. "Jack  would you like to be godfather? You're the one who pushed me to talk to Marion and you've been there for me since the beginning."

Jack his mouth turns into a big grin. "Of course mate," he answers. After that he walks to Sophie and puts his arms around her shoulder. "Godparents huh? Maybe we'll end up like in that movie," he grins.

Sophie pushes him away and gets closer to Kieran. "Never in a million years, Grealish." She wraps her arms around her boyfriend and Kieran smiles thriumphantly.

All the others boys laugh at Jack's failed attempt of flirting with Sophie.

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