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Confused Marion walks to the door of her appartment. Who would visit her? The only ones who know where she lives are Sophie and Kieran, but Sophie has a spare key so she always walks in unannounced. Maybe it's a neighbour needing something.

She opens the door and is met with a person standing behind a big bouquet of flowers. "Delivery for Miss Marion James," a voice says.

She recognizes that voice. "Ben? How do you know where I live?"

Ben lowers the flowers and grins. "Sophie gave me the adress," he answers. "I'm here to tell you that this is what I want. I want to be with you Mari, ever since that night we spent together I can't stop thinking about you. I don't care that the baby isn't mine."

Marion sighs. "Come in Ben." She lets him walk in and shows him the way to the couch. "This is al moving too fast Ben. I just came out of a relationship, which moved way too fast as well, and I don't think I'm ready for something new. At the moment I just want to concentrate on the baby, no other feelings."

Ben lays the flowers on the coffee table and takes her hands in his. "I want to take care of you and the baby, if not as your boyfriend then just as your friend, just like Sophie and Kieran. Maybe later we can persue a relationship if you want. Just let me take care of you," he says with pleading eyes.

Marion squeezes his hands. "Okay but just as friends," she answers.

Ben hugs her happily. "Thank you Mari for giving me a chance," he grins. "By the way what do you think about the flowers?"

Marion totally forgot about them and takes them in her hands. "They're wonderful. Thanks Benjamin," she smiles. She gets up from the couch to put them in a vase. "Do you want something to drink?" She asks while in the kitchen.

"Yeah that would be nice. What do you have?" Ben asks.

She takes a quick look into the fridge. "Not much I'm afraid. Apple juice, orange juice and water."

Ben laughs. "Apple juice is good."

She takes the bottle of apple juice, two glasses and walks back to the living room. Ben looks at her while she pours the juice into the glasses.

"So why ivf? You're still so young, you have got plenty of time," he asks curiously.

Marion sits back down. "Time is something I don't have," she answers. "Both my aunt and mum have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insuffiency. That makes that I'm at big risk to have it as well. Right now everything is still okay, but they don't know for how much longer," she explains." So if I wanted kids I had to act now and not take the risk of waiting. Alex and I tried but then we broke up, so I thought ivf was the only solution."

"I understand," Ben smiles. "You must know that I find it brave that you want to do this all alone."

"Well I'm not doing this alone. Sophie and Kieran support me in the best way possible. Sophie makes sure she can come to almost every check up, ever since I decided on ivf."

"And now I'm here as well. Uncle Ben at your service." He does a salute and Marion has to laugh at that.

"Uncle Ben! It's almost like the brand," she laughs. "But thanks for being so understanding. I really appriciate it. So what do you want to do now you're here? Do you want to watch a movie? I think Sophie still left some."

"Yeah that's alright," Ben grins, happy that she doesn't send him away. Maybe one day they'll be more than just friends.



Did you find it babe?

No I didn't
But I did find something else 😏

No I didn'tBut I did find something else 😏

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Since when is Mari seeing Ben Chilwell

Ben's still there?! 😱

You knew?

I knew about their date last Monday
And yesterday Ben asked me for her adress

You think he knows about the ivf? 🤔

Yeah she told him
She didn't want to string him along
But can you come back home now
I wanna go to bed 😉

But the movie? 🤨

I don't care about the movie
We'll watch it another time
Now come home and we'll do something else 😏


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