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Sof 😇

Happy birthday Mari! ❤️

Thanks Sof 😘

Are you doing something tonight?
Kieran and I would like to invite you to dinner

That's sweet
But Ben's taking me out 😊

Ouh birthday date 😏
Where you going?

He wanted to surprise me

Well have fun but not too much
You already have a bun in the oven 😉

Sophie please 🙉
I'm not having sex with him tonight

Wait and see 😅
When he lets the hair loose, you'll let everything loose 😏

Like you don't have a weakness when it comes to Kieran

Of course
Seeing him get worked up over a bad game is a massive turn on

Well do you ever leave the bedroom then? 😉

Did you just roast my team? 🤨

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