Chapter 25 - Shadows and Games

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The General's robes were soaked in blood. His face was colourless, barely breathing. Around him, war raged on, arrows flying, horses galloping, men fighting. But she couldn't reach him. Her feet were buried in the dry earth beneath her, stuck. 

"No! You can't die! Delun!"

Ruyi woke with a scream lodged in her throat. She sat up, gasping. Her nightclothes were drenched in sweat. Hands clammy. She shuddered out a breath. Another nightmare.

She blinked her eyes to adjust to the darkness, trying to make out her unfamiliar room. Four shadowed walls stared back at her. It had been several days since she moved.  Still shaking, she slipped out of bed and tiptoed out into the walkway. She sighed in relief when Delun's door was unlocked.

"Ruyi?" A rough voice sounded from deep inside the room.

Ruyi jumped. "I'm sorry -"

"What's wrong?"


She heard a shuffle of bed sheets and the patting of a cushion.

"Come here," Delun said.

Slowly, she padded towards him and slipped in between his sheets. His arms curled around her body, and instinctively she tucked her face into his neck. She sighed, both in comfort and relief. He was there. He was alive.

"You're safe now, go to sleep," he whispered, before kissing her forehead.

*  *  * 

Delun had been gone for a week. The Emperor had commanded that a small troop journey to the Qing Empire to rescue Princess Yunmei, his only sister. General Lang would lead the mission. 

Ruyi waited anxiously while he was gone. She busied herself in the medical wing, working with Bolin to treat injured soldiers, keeping an eye on Ang. She went for strolls with Minmin in the palace gardens, trying to distract herself from the horrors of the battle and the dangers that Delun might be in with her friend's gossip and daily chatter. 

Ruyi breathed in the crisp air, enjoying every fresh intake of breath.  As Minmin chattered away, talking about some drama between the maids, Ruyi found herself distracted, her mind constantly wandering, worrying. She gazed unseeingly at the cypress trees. 

"Ruyi?" Minmin stepped in front of her. "Ruyi? Are you alright?" 

Ruyi blinked, "I'm sorry, Minmin, what did you say?" 

"They've come back, the Princess' troop. The Emperor is requesting your presence in the great hall."

Ruyi stared, for a moment completely stunned. Then she raced off to the hall, heart beating rapidly. Why would the Emperor request her presence? Someone must have been hurt. Was Delun alright?

Waiting for her at the great hall was a bloodbath. A strong band of a dozen had left for the Qing Empire. Only six, bruised and bloody, remained. The Emperor paced angrily. He was talking to Delun, who looked rough, but otherwise appeared uninjured, though Ruyi couldn't hear what they said. But if the Princess hadn't returned with them. It was nothing good. 

Bolin had arrived too, and they immediately went to work cleaning up the injured soldiers. 

In the corner of her eye, the dark figure of Jia appeared, hooded and masked. She whispered quiet words in the Emperor's ear, before handing him a small note. As he read, he grew increasingly agitated, exchanging harsh words with Jia, words Ruyi strained her ears to hear. 


She didn't understand what had happened. Where was the Princess, was she alright? What had happened while they were in the Qing Palace? 

"Everyone out! I want my men treated in the medical wing. You too, Lang." 

Ruyi turned to Delun, finally seeing him properly as he turned around. Under his armour, his clothes were torn and bloodied. His hair had slipped out of its tight holding. His expression was darker than she had ever seen it, not a single ounce of warmth left. Only rage. 

She walked towards him. "Come on, let's go home," she said, taking his hand. 

The walk to his quarters was silent. Ruyi bit her lip, unsure of what to say, how to comfort him. But when they entered his room, Delun dropped her hand and stepped away from her. 

"Ruyi, get out." 

He wouldn't look at her. 


He stood there for a moment, his back facing her, before he strode towards his dining table, and swiped at the tea set that sat atop it. It shattered on the ground with a loud crash, but Ruyi didn't flinch. Delun's shoulders heaved as he took in long breaths. He attempted to calm down, clenching his fists tightly. 

Slowly, Ruyi stepped towards him. When she touched a palm against his back, he shuddered out a breath, as if relieved. Her hand slid around his body, stopping at his chest and she kept it there, reaching around to hug him from behind. 

"I'm with you. Tell me." 

She pressed her cheek against his back, holding him with both arms tightly. Delun grasped her left hand above his heart with his own. 

"I lost them. They died under my watch. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save the Princess," he said, voice twisted in anguish. 

Only thinking of how to comfort him, Ruyi pressed a gentle kiss against the back of his neck, where he could feel it, and held him closer. "It's not your fault. You did everything you could." 

Delun turned in her arms and cupped her cheeks in his hands. She had never seen him like this. He watched her intensely, his eyes meeting hers in a way that was electrifying. 

Before she could say anything, he dipped his face and claimed her lips. She felt his anguish, his fury, and his tenderness for her. Finally, he pulled away. 

"Marry me, Ruyi. Marry me. I love you."

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