Chapter 30 - Spectacle

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The Qing Palace loomed overhead. Its size rivaled that of the Song Empire, vast, its walls stretching far beyond Ruyi's line of vision. At their arrival, the beating of drums sounded, and the towering doors opened. Qing soldiers marched through, perfectly uniform, before splitting off into parallel lines, parting to create a channel. When the last of them arrived at his position, they each struck the earth with their spears once, in unison. The drumbeat stopped. 

Suddenly, they all bowed. A tall figure strode through the path created. Clothed in the country's finest black silk, his posture held confidence and emanated power. As he neared, Ruyi squinted to make out his features, peering through the window of her carriage. He was young, handsome even, despite the severe expression on his face. There was no hint of a smile, no hint of kindness in his strongly set jaw, his black eyes. 

"His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Qing," a Qing official announced. 

Ruyi's eyes widened as she held back a gasp. If Delun had been with her inside the carriage, she would have looked straight at him for his reaction.

When had the Crown Prince replaced his father?

Outside her carriage, she heard her Emperor leave his carriage to greet his counterpart. It was a tense conversation. 

"Your majesty, you have my condolences," Emperor Song's words, while polite held an edge. Ruyi guessed he hadn't been aware of the Crown Prince's recent appointment. 

"Yes, my father, his majesty, grew ill in the last battle. He passed away before I was able to return." 

After exchanging dignitaries, the young Emperor Qing said, "Let us discuss the alliance shall we?" He gestured for them to walk into the palace. 

"I would like to see my sister first," Emperor Song said pointedly, "Before we discuss any kind of alliance."

Delun appeared outside her window and peered in. His expression was tense. "The Emperors are going to discuss the terms of the alliance. Come on, let's get you inside." 

He helped her out of the carriage and Ruyi took in her surroundings in both awe and curiosity. In front, the Emperors walked side by side, followed by a plethora of guards and servants from both sides. Together, she and Delun walked through the channel, and she couldn't help but feel nervous with so many enemy eyes watching her. Men who Enlai had fought on the battlefield. Men who probably wanted them all dead. 

"What do you think is going to happen?" She whispered to Delun, who held her hand protectively as they walked.

"They're going to make a deal. But first, the Emperor wants to speak to Princess Yunmei," Delun said, keeping his eyes up and watching the guards with alert eyes. 

"I didn't know the old Qing Emperor had died. None of us did," he said. Ruyi looked up at her husband, could see plans and strategies forming in his mind. "This could change everything," she whispered. Delun nodded. 

"If the young Emperor is even a fraction more reasonable than his father," Delun said quietly, gripping Ruyi's hand tighter, "There might be some hope for this alliance." 

The rest of the afternoon flew by, with the Emperors participating in secretive meetings, oftentimes requiring Delun's presence. 

Ruyi and the rest of the Song guests were placed into beautifully decorated rooms, fit for high-ranking officials, which didn't go unnoticed. "Well, they're certainly putting on a show," Prince Jin said, as they attempted to explore the Qing palace, at least what little areas they had access to. 

Guards, though discreet, were placed around their quarters, and the servants, while polite, stared openly in both curiosity and at times with slight animosity. 

A young girl, less than twenty, helped Ruyi unpack her belongings and dress into her gown for the Wedding. She was pretty, with the fine-boned features of the Qing people. 

"What's your name?" Ruyi asked, as the girl helped with her hair. She looked up, surprised, and met Ruyi's eyes in the mirror. 

"Meilin," she said. Ruyi gave her a warm smile, "I'm Ruyi." 

Meilin returned the smile shyly. "I know who you are. You're the female doctor of the Song Empire," she said. Ruyi opened her mouth in shock. 

"You've heard of me?" 

Meilin blushed, nodding. She held up two sets of pins asking Ruyi to choose. "These are gifts, from His Majesty," she said. 

Ruyi stared. One set was beautifully encrusted with rubies, while the other in brilliant emeralds. Ruyi pointed at the ruby. "For the famous medic of the Song Empire. And the wife of General Lang," Meilin explained. 

"I...Don't really know what to say," Ruyi said, stunned by the gesture and the knowledge that stories about her work had traveled beyond her nation. 

"Did you really jump into battle? To save a Song soldier?" Meilin asked, her young face open with admiration. 

Ruyi nodded. "I was just doing my job." 

"Princess Yunmei said the same thing," Meilin said, and then clamped her mouth shut, realising she had overstepped her station. 

Ruyi turned around and looked Meilin in the eyes. "It's alright, you can talk to me," she reassured. "Is Princess Yunmei alright? What did you mean?" 

Meilin hesitated, eyes darting around nervously. "She's fine," she said. "I'm sorry, that's all I can say." 

"Thank you," Ruyi said. 

Meilin nodded and Ruyi turned back around. She placed the final pin into Ruyi's hair. "Done." 

*  *  * 

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Yunmei."

The entire palace seemed to hold its breath as Princess Yunmei walked down the promenade. The first thing any onlooker would notice was her elegant posture, as she seemed to glide down the walkway. Taller than most women, she stood proudly, looking forward, shoulders back. Her gown, though grander and more beautiful than perhaps anything any other woman in the entire empire had worn, did not overwhelm her. She carried it; carried the layers and layers of silk, carried the heavy weight of the golden crown sitting atop her head. 

But instead of admiring her beauty, Ruyi observed Yunmei's face. She observed the determined set of her mouth, her eyes, impossible to read. But there was no sense of defeat in her expression. She was not the glowing bride on her wedding day, although Ruyi never expected her to be. But she wasn't sorrowful either. There was bravery in her beautifully made up face. 

As Yunmei reached her new husband, he held out his hand and she took it. To any outside observer, they would looked like a beautiful couple. But when Emperor Qing leaned in to whisper something in her ear, Ruyi noticed the way Yunmei tensed up. Her expression was cool. Her eyes met her brother's briefly, and she smiled as if to reassure him. 

"Today, we bear witness to an historic union, a marriage to unite two empires." And so history was made. 

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