Chapter 14 - Little Wolf, Big Wolf

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He knew she was afraid. Only seven, Delun couldn't understand what she was afraid of. But as he watched his Mother stare blankly at the wall of their small room, he knew something was terribly wrong. It was night time, and his father still hadn't returned, though that was normal because he worked for the Emperor.

Delun slipped into the bed, hoping his mother would return to normal and join him. That they would go to sleep and wake up and everything would be okay again.

But nothing was okay. His mother was not okay.

"Niang, I'm scared," he called. She turned to him, shocked, as if she hadn't realised he was there. She went to him, and cuddled him for a long time.

"Lang Lang, my little wolf. You have to be a brave boy, hmm?" She whispered as she cradled him.

He held her tightly in the bed, so that she couldn't leave him. He was so afraid, more than he had ever been before. Because somehow he knew his mother would be gone the next morning. So he held her like she was going to evaporate into nothing. "You won't leave me, will you, Niang?" He asked, gripping her arm.

She kissed his soft black hair but didn't reply. Delun tried to stay awake. He forced his eyes open, to keep guard and make sure his mother stayed. But sometime after midnight he succumbed to his exhaustion.

The next morning, she was gone.

And she never came back.

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