Chapter 13 - Innocence

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It was days later before either Enlai or the General visited again. She felt her body weaken under the conditions, the meagre food and cold weather. She wasn't sure how much longer she could stay in her cell before her body would simply give up.

But eventually, Enlai returned, with guards at his back. "Enlai, did you find her?"

His eyes flashed in regret. "I did, Ruyi. But her story is very different to yours. You are still on trial. We're taking you there now."

Ruyi felt her heart sink. She wasn't saved. Not yet. It was up to her now to prove her innocence.


It was happening in the throne room. There, the Emperor awaited though his expression we impassive. He sat at the throne, shadowed by his personal guard. To the left, a panel of soldiers awaited intimidatingly, as if daring her to try to escape. At the front of the line was the General. He hadn't noticed her come in, so she looked away quickly and took her place near the centre. Bolin and Yuan were also there. At the sight of her undoubtedly sorry state, Bolin's face fell. Yuan shook his head as if to say, sorry. She attempted to smile, but found she lacked even the energy to do that.

After she had sat down, the doors opened once more to allow the final party inside. It was her. Ruyi leaned forward to try and catch her expression, but saw nothing of the girl she had met initially. She was not afraid, nor was she frail. And after all that she had discovered, doubted very much that she was pregnant.

Seiren, if that was even her name, was haughty, cold and proud looking. She held her head high, and for the first time, Ruyi felt bitterness creep up. She had never regretted helping someone before. But at this moment, she had to hold herself in her seat to contain her anger.

As the Emperor spoke, the court quieted down.

"We're gathered here today, to trial Zhang Ruyi. She has been accused on the count of attempted murder, conspiring against the court and treason. If convicted, the punishment is the death penalty by hanging." Ruyi steeled herself against his horrific words.

"We will first hear from the prosecution. Can our witness, Doctor Bolin please step forward." He did, rather shakily.

"Why, on the evening I became ill, did you believe that Ruyi was to blame for my ailment?"

Ruyi had never seen Bolin so frazzled. In the hospital, he was always hyper-focused, calm. But now, he was breathing heavily. Was he afraid? Did he actually believe her?

"Your highness," he began. "I want to make it clear that I, after having considered the situation, do not believe that Ruyi poisoned you." He looked towards her with those regretful eyes and she gave him a thankful smile. "I simply made the connection that Ruyi was the only one in the palace who was in ownership of medicinal gu, which you were poisoned with."

"And does that not incriminate her as my attempted assassin?" The Emperor asked. Ruyi flinched at his cold tone.

"No, your highness. I don't believe it does. I have worked with Ruyi for some time now. She is a kind person, who could never hurt someone, not intentionally. Someone could have stolen it from her. Perhaps mistress Daiyu could shed some light on the situation." His tone soured at her name. So Seiren was in fact Daiyu. She glared at him with an accusatory look.

"I see. Thank you Doctor. Tang Yiqian, could you please step forward." A young maid stepped forward, one who Ruyi did not recognise. Ruyi watched her in surprise. Why would she have anything to say?

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