Chapter 3 - Pride

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On the way to the palace, Enlai and Ruyi sat in silence. The rickety motion of their horse-drawn cart was making her head hurt. But she was more focused on Enlai. She knew he was thinking about how different his life would be after they arrived. Was he afraid? She nudged her leg against his for comfort. "Everything will be okay. You're still so young. They won't put you on the front lines," she reassured, though it was a blatant lie. She didn't know where they would put him. She didn't know anything. 

Instead of answering, Enlai held her hand tightly and watched the road through the window. Ruyi's thoughts drifted towards her father, and his parting words to her. The thought of him made her eyes burn.

He had left her with his own medicinal kit, the tools he had used for years, to take with her to the palace. He was quiet mostly, until the very end. He was familiar with her stubbornness - she had inherited it from her mother after all - and knew there was nothing he could say to change his mind. He embraced her tightly and told her he was proud of her. 

But Ruyi knew that part of his calm demeanor was the result of his belief that she would be sent directly home once she arrived. Part of her agreed. How would she be able to convince the Emperor to take her on as an army medic? She considered disguising herself as a man but knew that would simply get in the way of her practicing, and could put lives at risk. She could only equip herself with her own talents, and sheer boldness.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the glorious sight of the palace. Terrifyingly large, it seemed to loom over its surroundings, embellished with intimidating blood-red flags which flapped harshly against the wind. It was guarded by stone walls, blocking her view of the inside, and the gates through which she would enter were manned by dozens of sentinels, all armed and ready.

Enlai breathed out in awe. He turned to her and grinned. "We've made it, jie. It's our time now."

Unfortunately, Ruyi reached her first stumbling block at the gates. The guards refused to let her in. Enlai was already being escorted across the palace grounds, which made her panic. He looked back at her with a worried expression, imploring her not to do anything stupid. Where were they taking him? Would she be able to find him once she got in herself? When would this barbarian finally let go of her? His grip on her wrists was tight, and he shoved her back towards the carriage. 

"Would you please just listen to me? I'm a trained doctor. I would like to be tested to become an army medic," she reasoned. The guard's bruising grip did not ease. He sneered down at her. 

His colleague sniggered at her words. "Trained doctor? Do you take us for fools? Stop wasting our time, girl, and go home."

Ruyi felt her frustration bubble over. She shoved off his hand roughly and glared up at his ugly face. "Have you been in battle recently?" The man eyed her suspiciously but nodded nonetheless. "And how many of your comrades died in front of your eyes? How many couldn't be saved?" Ruyi knew the answer from the haunted look on his face. 

"And if there was a chance, even the tiniest chance that somehow I could do something to save a life, wouldn't you take that chance?" She urged him with her eyes to believe her, to believe in her.

The guards surrounding her were silent now. The one who had held her stared hard at her for several moments. After several pauses, he stepped aside from the entrance and allowed her through. "I don't want to see you walk out this gate today. Take her to the infirmary for testing."

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