Chapter 27 - The Wedding

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"Fate brings people who are far apart together."

Ruyi and Delun stood before their friends and family, the Emperor and his guard. The palace was decorated with red banners and gold font, firecrackers waiting to be let off. 

Delun looked at his new bride, and thought that she had never looked prettier than she did standing before him. Her kind eyes, the eyes that held fierce determination and protectiveness, looked upon him with a love he never knew he could be a recipient of. He held her hands in his, her touch a warm shield against the chilly winter day. 

He was hers. She was his. 

Ruyi couldn't believe her wedding day had arrived. That morning, Minmin had helped her get ready into her red gown, twisting her hair up into a beautiful updo with her most expensive jeweled pins. She had been nervous, tugging at her clothes, triple checking her appearance in the mirror. 

But when she saw Delun for the first time that day, saw how his face lit up when he saw her, all her anxieties vanished. She wished Enlai had been there to see her off, to be with her father as she officially joined the Lang family. But she knew that he would have been happy for her, would have dashed her worries with one of his easy smiles. 

"May fragrant flowers bloom and the full moon shine over your life together."

Delun brought Ruyi closer to him, as she lifted her palm to his cheek.

"I love you," he said, holding her hand on his cheek, stroking her fingers gently. 

"I love you," she replied, before leaning in to press her lips against his. 

Cheers erupted before them as the firecrackers exploded, making Ruyi breakaway with a surprised laugh. She felt tears well in her eyes as she looked onto the crowd before, at her father, who smiled widely, fighting back tears, at Yuan who reminded her so much of her brother. Minmin was clapping animatedly, and Bolin, while much calmer, met her eyes with a huge grin. 

The Emperor, who had honoured their wedding with his presence as a sign of respect to General Lang as well as Ruyi's service, surprised them both by pulling Delun into a hug, laughing happily. 

"Congratulations, brother. Let the banquet begin!" 

The Lang Wedding was the first celebration at the palace since Princess Yunmei had been taken. It was a welcome reprieve from the otherwise gloomy mood overwhelming the palace. The servants had dedicated themselves to preparing for the wedding, talking excitedly about what they would wear, the food they would eat, and gossiping about the great love between the general and the doctor. 

Breathless and exhilarated from a round of dancing with Minmin and Ang, Ruyi stepped away for a moment to catch her breath. Her eyes instantly sought after Delun, and she found him talking enthusiastically with her father, making her smile. She couldn't help but feel the warm fullness of contentment deep in her belly, grateful that her friends and colleagues at the palace also were able to enjoy a distraction from the fearful energy that had taken over the palace since the battle. 

"Congratulations," a deep voice spoke from behind Ruyi, making her jump before her face broke into a smile. 

"Jia," she said, turning around to see the masked assassin before her. "I'm glad you could make it."

Jia nodded, and after looking around for any potential eavesdroppers, cleared her throat. She spoke normally, "I never got to thank you for helping me." 

Ruyi's eyes widened in surprise. "I did my job, there's nothing to thank," she replied, and she meant it. 

"You kept my secret. For that, I will be eternally grateful," Jia said, and once again, Ruyi was reminded of the sheer weight of Jia's secret, how much it must have burdened her. Ruyi couldn't imagine how lonely it was, to work for the Emperor in such an unforgiving job, to lie in his face as she stood before him. 

"Of course. Be careful, Jia. If you ever need my help, for anything, please, I want you to come to me," she said. 

Jia's eyes softened, Ruyi could almost imagine her hard shell breaking away, if only for a moment. 

"Thank you. That's also why I must tell you, the palace grounds are no longer safe anymore. There are things happening behind the scenes, things to do with Princess Yunmei's disappearance. I don't know what it means yet, but you must be careful. General Lang was right to move you next to him before the wedding." 

Ruyi nodded, "I understand. Thank you." 

"Enjoy your evening." With that, Jia disappeared into the crowd like smoke. 

Ruyi watched in curiosity and concern. 

"Was that Jiawu?" Delun asked as he walked up to her, seeing a black-clothed figure walking away from Ruyi. 

Ruyi stepped into his awaiting arms, looking up at him with a content smile. "Yes, it was."

Delun stroked her hair affectionately. "What did he want?" he asked, surprised when he had seen them conversing. 

Ruyi hesitated, unsure of what she should tell her new husband. "He wanted to offer his congratulations," she said. 

Delun nodded, pulling her closer. "There's something off about that boy," he said, never able to put a finger on it. 

Ruyi reached up to kiss him. "Come, let's dance."

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