Chapter 17 - Feasts, Fire and Fortune

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"Shoo! Go get ready! I can finish up here," Bolin said, gesturing at Ruyi to leave the apothecary.

"If you're sure -"

"I'm sure, go, go, have fun. You, young people, don't get enough of it these days," he said, pushing her out the door.

With a grateful smile, Ruyi rushed to her quarters to get ready, pulling on her new gown and repinning her hair. She used the hair accessories her father had gifted her on her sixteenth birthday. Red, beaded combs, reserved only for special occasions.

"Ruyi! Are you ready?" Yuan tapped on her door.

She opened the door to find her friend dressed in his best robes. At the sight of her, his cheeks flushed and he looked at his shoes with sudden interest.

"You look pretty," he muttered. Laughing, she threw an arm over his shoulder and dragged him towards the celebrations. "Thanks, Yuan."

The feast had already begun. The palace square was lit brightly with lanterns and fire pits, and charged with the energy of powerful drum beats and cheerful music. The Emperor sat at the very front, with the Princess and brothers at his side. Not far, the General watched the scene with observant eyes. The rest of the square was filled with food for the palace guards and maids and officials. The smell of foods she had never before had the luxury of eating brought her over to the tables quickly.

Yuan had already begun piling food into his bowl and was halfway through a red bean bun.

"Slow down," Ruyi said with a laugh.

"You better eat what you can now, before they take it away," Yuan urged.

Shaking her head, she grabbed a bowl and started filling it.

The celebration continued for many hours, with performers dancing across the square gracefully and the Emperor giving an eloquent speech. After the effects of wine started to kick in, the place was filled with raucous laughter, and Ruyi could spot shy flirtations in shadowed corners. She was going to find Enlai, but instead spotted him talking with a young maid and decided to leave him alone.

"Enjoying yourself?" She could feel the presence of the General looming behind her.

Slowly, she turned to look up at his handsome face, eyes an amber brown, lit by the lanterns strung overhead.

"I am, and you?"

"Not so much. Tonight's not a celebration for me. I'm working."

Ruyi looked over at the Emperor, who was talking and drinking happily with Princess Yunmei and Prince Jin.

"I think they're fine," she said quietly, taking a step towards him. "Let's enjoy ourselves, even if it's just for a minute."

For a moment, they just watched the square together, observing the beauty of it. Their shoulders brushed ever so slightly, and she could feel his warmth even underneath the layers of robes he wore.

"You look beautiful, Ruyi."

Ruyi blushed, unable to look at him.

"Thank you, General."

"Please, call me Delun."

This time, she did look up at him in shock. It was rare to allow someone of his authority to allow a girl like her to call him by his name. Unable to form words, she nodded. She wasn't sure what overcame her, what kind of bravery had swept over her, but she slipped her hand into his, let her fingers curl around his loosely. For a moment, she held her breath, unsure of how he would react. Then she felt his fingers tighten around hers.

She wasn't sure if it was five minutes, or if it was much longer. But she cherished that moment where they stood together watching their people celebrating in happiness.

"There's a war coming," Delun eventually said, "Enjoy this night while you can." There won't be many more like it, was what he didn't say. But before Ruyi could reply, he was walking away, back towards the Emperor's table.

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