Chapter 10 - Poison and Wine

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Ruyi was in her room getting ready for the day. She was pinning her hair in the simple updo that most maids used to keep their hair out of their face when she was interrupted by the sound of her door sliding open.

She turned quickly and saw a young woman step in, shutting the door behind her.

Ruyi vaguely recognized the beautiful young woman, whose expensive accessories and silk dress suggested that she was one of the late Emperor's many concubines. Still young, perhaps even younger than Ruyi, her chances of remarrying were higher than that of other concubines, but still, Ruyi felt a pang of sympathy for her. 

"Ruyi, you're a doctor aren't you?" She asked, looking shy. Ruyi gestured for her to sit, not wanting to scare her off. As she did, the girl suddenly burst into tears.

"What's wrong? How can I help you?" She asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. The girl sniffled loudly and wrapped her slender arms around her stomach, as if in pain. Ruyi grew tense. She couldn't be.

"I'm...I'm pregnant," she cried. "The baby, I want it gone!" Ruyi stood up and paced the floor in worry. "It's his though isn't it, our late Emperor's?" Ruyi couldn't possibly help her if it was a potential heir to the throne growing inside her belly. 

The girl's face became white as a sheet, but she composed herself and wiped away her tears. "It's not," she said, solemnly. She looked up at Ruyi and her eyes were pleading. "Please, I can't have this child. Even if it were his," her voice was full of disgust and regret, "What good would it do me to have it? I'm young, you know I have a better chance of remarrying if I don't have children. I have a chance now, a real chance, to live my life."

Ruyi shut her eyes briefly, wondering how her morning had taken such a dramatic turn. She felt her stomach churn as she considered the moral decision. But as she stared at the frail young woman, all she felt was sadness and a sense of protectiveness. She saw a young girl cornered into life in the palace, someone who didn't have the same choice that she did.

She gently wiped away the girl's tears and looked directly into her eyes. "Are you sure? You can't reverse your decision. And your body will be very weak for a few days." 

She nodded, composing herself. She looked much older than her years then. "I'm certain." 

Ruyi sighed. "Okay then. I'll help you. But you will have to be careful. It will hurt, there will be blood."

Ruyi began collecting items from her cabinets. She was hasty in her actions, concentrating hard on ensuring she got the potion right. "Are you adding gu," the girl asked, which made Ruyi look up in surprise. "Do you have an understanding of Chinese medicines?" Ruyi asked.

She looked down sheepishly and began fiddling with her silk skirt. "A little. My father was a pharmacist." Ruyi nodded in understanding. "I see. Well yes, I am adding a little, but too much and it could kill you too. You must listen to my instructions very clearly. Drink half in the morning, half two hours later. You must not have it all at once. The poison will be too much. Do you understand?"

Ruyi handed her the mixture in a small vial. "I just realised, I still don't know your name," she said. A look of fear crossed her young face momentarily. "It's Seiren, Doctor. Thank you. I won't ever forget what you've done for me."

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