CH 1

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You were sitting on your bed scrolling through your phone when you heard a soft knock on your door. "Come in." The door to your room creaked open slowly, revealing a shorter boy with blonde hair that was slightly tied up. He looked as if he was upset about something, but his expressions were always difficult to read. "Mikey? Did you need something?"

Mikey sighed before looking at your soft e/c eyes. "You've been acting differently. Is everything okay N/n?" you giggle softly at his concern. "Since when did you grow up huh? I'm the oldest, I'm supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around." The younger boy furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm serious N/n. Is everything okay?"

A large smile came to your face. "Everything is perfectly fine! I've just had a lot on my mind recently! But it's nothing to worry about." Mikey let a small smile come to his face. "Okay, we have a meeting tonight. I'd really like for you to be there. The guys miss you."

You felt bad, you had been missing meetings for the past month. The only people you've been talking to were Maikey, Emma, and a few of your friends. Toman was like your family, but you've been keeping secrets from them. Particularly your whereabouts for the past month.

"I'll be there. I miss everyone too. It'll be good to see everyone again."

~~~ Meanwhile in Miyagi ~~~

Diachi was off on the sidelines with Suga watching the rest of the team practice. "Is it just me or has Tanaka been acting weird lately." The silver haired boy looked over at his captain. "You've noticed it too?" Daichi nodded.

"He's been on his phone a lot more, and he hasn't been all over Kiyoko recently either. You think something happened?" They were right, Tanaka had been acting differently. He seemed slightly more distracted than usual, but he also cut out on cleaning duties more and showed up to morning practice later than usual. But the most jarring was the lack of attention he was giving Kiyoko. Tanaka only said good morning and goodnight to her, he ever complimented her anymore.

His friends started to become worried. The Interhigh Tournament was coming up and they couldn't afford for anyone to be distracted. Once practice was over Tanaka rushed to his bag to grab his phone.

But once he looked at it his mood dropped. Seemingly not liking whatever he was looking at. Tanaka started to help clean the gym with everyone else. The others in the gym shared a look, knowing that they all had to get to the bottom of their teammates' weird behavior.

Daichi pulled aside the one person he knew he could give this task to. "Noya, I need you to figure out what's going on with Tanaka." Noya nodded at his captain. "I'm on it boss!"

Torn to Pieces Tanaka x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now