CH 2

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The walk home was weirdly quiet for the two wild second years. Nishinoya had enough of it, so he stepped in front of his friend, making him stop walking. "Alright man spit it out! What's been up with you?" Noya was pointing at his friend accusingly. Tanaka sighed to himself, "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you dude." The shorter boy raised one of his brows. "Try me."

Tanaka looked at his friend skeptical at first, but he knew he could trust Noya with anything. "I had plans with my girlfriend tonight like I do every Friday, but she canceled this time. She said something about her nephew needing her to be there for him or something." The bald headed boy sighed and was about to continue until his friend started yelling.

"You got a girlfriend and you didn't even tell me! I thought we were best friends!" Tanaka tilted his head in confusion. "Dude I could have sworn I told you about her. Plus she's been at my house every weekend for the past month." Noya looked even more shocked, he had been at his friends house over the weekend, but he never saw the girl. "Dude I was at your house last Saturday and you didn't have anyone else there."

Tanaka just laughed at his friend. "Yeah she has a bad habit of sleeping all the time. You showed up pretty early so I didn't have the heart to wake her up." The shorter boy looked at his friend with skeptical eyes. There was no way someone could sleep through how loud the two of them were.

When the two second years parted ways Noya immediately pulled out his phone and texted the group chat. One that didn't have Tanaka in it. They needed real answers and Tanaka couldn't have been telling the truth.

~~~ Meanwhile in Tokyo ~~~

You and Mikey had just pulled up to Musashi Shrine. All of the members were hanging around talking to each other. Smiling softly at the comfort you felt around these boys. You were never an official member of Toman so you didn't have a uniform, instead you wore a white crop top shirt with a leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and combat boots.

As soon as you stepped off your bike you were surrounded. "Hey Y/n-nee, long time no see huh?" Your smile widened as you brought the boy into a hug. "Draken! It's good to see you!" You could hear someone clearing their voice behind you. "N/n! Why don't you ever greet me like that!" Letting go of Draken and turning around you were met with a smirking Baji.

You smirked back at the younger boy. "What? Are you jealous or something?" Baji's face flushed a little. "Nah, I just don't think other guys should be touching my future woman!" You couldn't help but to laugh. Baji has been hitting on you for years and still hasn't given up. "Keep dreaming Keisuke cause that's never going to happen." The boy flushed even more at the use of his first name while you walked away to talk to some of the other members.

You were conversing with Mitsuya and Smiley when Draken called the meeting. You walked down the middle with Mikey, Draken, and some kid you had never met before. But you stood off to the side with the new kid. Mikey had been talking about a fight with Moebius when you stopped paying attention to what was going on around you.

When the meeting was over you decided to talk with Mikey. "So kid, I'm assuming you want me at the fight on standby huh?" The shorter blonde just smirked up at you. "Of course I want you there. I wouldn't want anyone else by our side." That's when the unknown blonde spoke up, "Um, Mikey? Is this your girlfriend or something?" The two of you burst out with laughter.

"No. I'm actually Mikey's aunt believe it or not! It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/n Sano." The boy looked at you with wide eyes before introducing himself as Takemichi. You conversed with everyone for about a half an hour before saying goodbye.

You looked over at Mikey and gave him a nod before taking off into the night. There was a certain boy that you needed to surprise in Miyagi this weekend.

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