CH 3

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By the time you reached your destination it was almost midnight. You walked up to the front door and knocked twice. You could hear the sound of footsteps rushing towards the door. When it flug open you saw Saeko standing there with a big smirk on his face. "Ryu said you weren't coming this weekend. He's gonna be so happy to see you!" She pulled you into a bone crushing hug before dragging you in the house.

"Ryu! Get your ass down here now!" You could hear the quiet grumbling of your bald boyfriend as he was walking down the stairs. "What do you want, Saeko? I was in the middle of -" Tanaka froze as soon as he laid his eyes on you.

Your h/l h/c hair perfectly framed your face and your e/c eyes sparkled whenever you laid eyes on him. Tanaka didn't even have time to process that it was really you when you jumped into his arms full force. Tanaka could barely keep the two of you up, but somehow managed.

Tanaka hid his face in your shoulder, "I thought you said you weren't going to make it this weekend." His voice was barely above a whisper. You giggled lightly, "Well things didn't last as long as I thought they were going to. So I decided to come here and surprise you!" Tanaka smiled brightly at you. "This is the best surprise I could have gotten."

Your boyfriend was refusing to put you down. Instead he turned to face his sister saying a quick goodnight before bolting up the stairs. You were laughing hysterically the whole way to his room. As soon as you entered he dropped you on his bed and went to his closet.

When you were at the meeting you completely forgot to grab a change of clothes. Tanaka had noticed and was grabbing you something to sleep in. He came back over to the bed with one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. "You know Y/n, you could always start leaving some of your clothes here." You looked at your boyfriend with wide eyes. "I would love to Ryu. I just thought you loved seeing me in your clothes rather than my own."

With that said you got up to go to the bathroom and change. When you came back you saw Tanaka on your phone taking silly pictures of himself. You strolled over to the bed and layed down next to him. "You got a ton of messages while you were gone by the way." You just shrugged your shoulders. "Who were they from?"

Your boyfriend scratched the back of his head before opening your messaging app. "Umm. There are a bunch from a group chat named 'Toman', a few from 'The band of brothers', and a few texts from a guy named Mikey."

You hummed in response. "What did Mikey want?" Tanaka quickly tapped on the messages between you and Mikey. "He's saying thank you for coming tonight and agreeing to help on August 3rd. Babe what's he talking about" You had never introduced your family to your boyfriend, and you also never told him that you were an unofficial member of a gang.

"Mikey is my nephew. He's a middle schooler. He wanted help with a festival he's going to on August 3rd." You were starting to feel more tired the longer you laid in your boyfriend's bed. Not really paying attention to where this conversation might lead. "Are you going to the festival too?"

You nodded your head slightly before your eyes began to close slightly. "Can I come with you?" Without thinking you answered, "Yeah sure, I'd like that." Before falling asleep, your head gently laying on Tanaka's chest. He put your phone down on the nightstand then slowly fell asleep with you in his arms.        

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