CH 13

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Your phone was in your back pocket and you didn't want to leave Tanaka's arms so you settled for the next best thing. "Ryu? Can you grab my phone and put it on speaker for me?" He nodded his head slightly. He pulled your phone out and answered it, not bothering to check the caller ID. Tanaka nodded at you again to let you know that it was on speaker. You let out a tired hello not really sure who was going to be on the other end.

There was a deep laugh that came from the caller before they spoke. "Did we catch you at a bad time N/n? You don't sound as lively as usual." You sighed deeply. "Ran, I'm not in the mood. What do you want?" There was a hint of annoyance in your voice that your boyfriend picked up on. He held you a little tighter to try and get you to calm down.

Another voice was heard in the background. "Come on N/n! We heard rumors about what happened to you today. Figured your two favorite people could cheer you up!" Tanaka tensed a little while you scoffed. "The two of you are far from being my favorite people, I just tolerate you at this point. We've been friends for so long I don't know how to get rid of you. Besides, I'm with my favorite person right now." Tanaka felt a wave of relief flood his system. He didn't know exactly who the people you were talking to were.

A low chuckle was heard from the phone. "That's right you have a little boyfriend that you ditch us for now. But you should watch your mouth Y/n. You forget that we control all of Roppongi." You giggled at Ran's comment. "Oh shut it. You may seem big and tough but you'd never hurt me and you know it. I'm your best friend." Rindo chimed in. "She's got a point, big bro. But we need to get to the real reason we called. We heard Toman is done for, they completely split in two."

Your eyes went wide, you knew things didn't look good when you left the house. But you never expected them to split Toman apart. "How did you hear about that?" The two boys hummed in thought. "We have our ways." They spoke together. You immediately detach yourself from Tanaka and snatched the phone from his hand, ending the call. "Shit, Ryu I need to go." You grabbed your stuff and started to head for Tanaka's door but he stopped you.

Two arms wrapped around your waist not letting you go. Your breathing was getting heavy, you were worried about Mikey and you didn't know what was going on. You were starting to panic until you heard Tanaka's voice in your ear. "Baby you need to calm down okay? It's getting late and you're not thinking straight. How about you spend the night, get some rest, and go home tomorrow. How does that sound?"

You nodded your head, not trusting your voice to come out right. Tanaka took his arms off your waist and grabbed your hand gently, leading you to his bed. He sat you down on the bed and went over to his closet to grab you new clothes for the night. You gave him a gentle smile when he handed you the clothes and you went to his bathroom to change.

Tanaka was already laying on his side of the bed waiting when you came back. Instead of laying on your side of the bed you opted to lay right on top of him. You wanted to be in his arms right now, his touch could make you forget all of your worries. Tanaka's fingers ran through your hair making you relax even more. "So who was that on the phone?" You looked up at Tanaka and let out a small sigh. "They were the Haitani brothers that I was telling you about." He nodded, a worried look came on his face. "Do they always threaten you like that?" You couldn't help but laugh at his question. "Only when I make snarky comments. Which is all the time, but it's all in good fun. They would never let me get hurt." Tanaka nodded.

"Do you think I could meet them at some point?" Your eyes widened. "Are you sure you want to meet them?" He nodded. "Well, okay. Maybe next time you're in Tokyo we can make plans with them." You thought about it for a moment. Was it really okay for Tanaka to meet the Haitani brothers? And when will he be in Tokyo with you next? "I'll be there this Saturday for the festival on August 3rd. How about I meet them then, or Sunday?" You nodded.

After that the two of you sat in silence. Basking in each other's warmth, and soon enough you both fell asleep. 


I really didn't think so many people would like this story. So thank you everyone for your support! 

Just a heads up I probably won't be posting anything this weekend. I'm going to a concert on Friday (I have a good habit of getting kicked in the face during those), I'm working a 12 hour shift on Saturday, and it's my dad's birthday on Sunday. If I get the time to write ahead I will, but please bear with me this weekend!

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