CH 7

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Tanaka and you had been relaxing in your room for about an hour. You had decided to take a small nap while waiting for everyone to show up. Tanaka was sitting on the floor next to your bed scrolling through his phone when there was a loud knock on your door. An unfamiliar muffled male voice rang through your boyfriend's ears. "Oi, get your ass up N/n. Everyone is here to see ya." Soon after the door slammed open, revealing an angry looking blonde with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize she had company over. The names Draken." Tanaka was slightly intimidated but reached his hand out and introduced himself anyway. Were these really the people you considered family? Your boyfriend was snapped from his thoughts when he saw Draken smack you in the face with a pillow. "What the actual fuck!" Tanaka's eyes widened, he had never heard you sound so mad.

You sat up quickly and looked to see who hit you in the face. Once you saw Draken your glare hardened. He would never admit it, but the look on your face scared him a bit. "Ken, you better start running cause I'm about to beat the shit out of you." Both boys swallowed hard before Draken took off running out of your room. You were very close behind him. Once you reached the living room you tackled the younger boy to the ground and started hitting him in the face as hard as you could with a pillow.

Tanaka was making his way down the stairs slowly, only to see you getting picked up off of Draken by a lilac haired boy. There were about 8 other boys who he had never met before surrounding the three of you. But none of them seemed to have noticed him yet. That was until Mikey spotted him there.

"Yo Tanaka! Come meet everybody!" Mikey had a large smile on his face. Everyone turned around to see exactly who Mikey was talking about. You struggled out of the lilac haired boy's arms and ran up to your boyfriend grabbing his hand. "Come on Ryu, it's time to meet the family." To say Tanaka was nervous was an understatement. He may look like a delinquent, but he definitely wasn't one. He also knew that everyone here besides the two of you were middle schoolers. But that didn't put his mind at ease.

You started introducing Tanaka to everyone in pairs, starting with Mitsuya and Hakkai. The two were by far the most level headed. Tanaka seemed to really like them. Then you introduced him to Pah and Peh. They reminded your boyfriend of the friendship he had with Noya, except these two were slightly more aggressive. Next you introduced the twins Nahoya (Smiley) and Souya (Angry). Tanaka wasn't sure how to feel about them, the brothers were two very different people and scary in their own ways.

The last pairing you introduced him to were Baji and Chifuyu. Baji kept eyeing Tanaka up and down trying to figure out what this man had that he didn't. "So, you're the man who stole the girl of my dreams huh?" The black haired boy had a wicked smirk on his face that sent a slight chill down Tanaka's back. "Baji I swear to god if you try something -" You were cut off by your boyfriend speaking. "I will say that you also have excellent taste in women. Y/n is a total catch, honestly I don't even know why she's dating me. But I'm going to cherish every second of it if you let me." Baji's eyes widened a bit. "Ya know, you aren't too bad man. I'll let it slide for now. But if you ever hurt her just know we'll all come for you."

All of the boys in the room nodded in unison. "N/n is like an older sister to all of us here. She's always there when we need her. So we'll always be there when she needs us. We expect you to do the same." Your boyfriend nodded at them. "Of course I will."

Tears started to form in your eyes, you had never felt so appreciated before. You had to sacrifice so much in order to take care of all of them and they noticed it. Tanaka pulled you into his chest  and the tears began to stream down your face. This is the happiest you've felt in a long time.

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