CH 5

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"You said when you came to Miyagi for the first time. Does that mean you aren't from around here?" Daichi asked. "Nope! I live in Tokyo!" "If you're from Tokyo, what school do you go to?" You laughed nervously at Suga's question. "I actually had to drop out before I could go to high school." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly.

"Why?" Hinata questioned. But you couldn't tell this pure ball of sunshine the whole truth, so you settled for part of it. "Well, I made a promise to someone. That I would take care of my niece and nephew. So in order to keep that promise I had to drop out." The air around you became tense, and the boys were all giving you worried glances. Before you could reassure them that everything was fine your phone began to ring.

When you looked down at the caller ID you sighed and excused yourself. "What did you need Mikey?" The boy on the other end of the line scoffed. "Is that really how you're going to greet me N/n?" You giggled at the boy's response. "Anyway the guys are coming over tonight and they really want you to be there. Seeing you last night made them miss you more." A quiet sigh escaped your lips.

"Manjiro. I would love to be there with them tonight, but I'm at Ryu's house. I can't just get up and leave." Mikey went quiet on the other line for a moment. He was trying to think of a way to get you to come home and spend time with him. "What if you brought your boyfriend with you? I think it's finally time that we meet the guy anyway."

You thought about it for a moment. Would it really be okay for you to bring Tanaka to Tokyo with you? "I'll ask him and I'll text you in a little bit. But if he does come then there is absolutely no gang talk while he's there got it?" Mikey hummed in response. "You got it N/n! No gang talk. But I can't promise that Baji won't try to beat him up." Before you could say another word he hung up.

A frustrated sigh left your lips as you entered the living room again. Tanaka looked up at you with pink tinted cheeks. You could only imagine the questions his friends were asking him. He smiled softly at you, "Was it your nephew again?" You nodded. "He wants me to come home tonight." Tanaka frowned a little, he didn't want you to leave so soon. "But he said you can come if you want to. It's up to you if we go or not."

Tanaka thought for a moment, he's always wanted to meet your family and see what your life was like at home. But every time he asked about it you changed the subject. This was his chance. "I will also warn you that his friends will be there, they are all like family to me. But they can be a little wild and intimidating at times."

Daichi turned to face you completely. "How old are they?" You hummed in thought. "Mikey is 15 and Emma is 14. They are all still in middle school." They all looked confused at this point. "How do you have a niece and nephew that are almost the same age as you?" The confusion of the boys around you was amusing to say the least. It was normal where you were from, but I guess it wasn't normal in the countryside.

"My parents were in their teens when they had my older brother, but decided to wait before they had another kid. Then my brother got his girlfriend pregnant when he was a teen too. My oldest nephew was eight years older than me. But he always treated me like a younger sibling." You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. The team stared at you in wonder. How could this be so normal to you? "So, Ryu. Do you want to meet my family tonight?" The boy in question nodded his head rapidly.

"I'd love to. How intimidating can a bunch of middle schoolers really be?" You giggled in response. "You'll see."   

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