CH 14

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The next morning you woke up still on top of Tanaka, your head buried in his neck. You didn't want to move but you knew he would have to go to school soon. Sadly, you would also have to go back to Tokyo. Tanaka's eyes fluttered open slowly when he felt your lips kiss his neck gently. As soon as he laid eyes on you a gentle smile made its way to his face. He loved the way your messy h/c hair framed your face, and how your e/c eyes sparkled slightly in the morning sun. You looked stunning in his eyes, even with the dark circles under your eyes.

Tanaka's gaze went lower and it made him frown, the bruise on your neck had gotten darker over night. It made him worry about you. On Saturday night you were talking about what he should do if you died, and yesterday that could have been a very real possibility. It all made sense in his head now. Tanaka looked away from you for a brief moment so that he could check the time.

It was currently 6am and he had morning practice starting at 6:30. Tanaka groaned at the thought of having you leave his side. "Ryu, would you like me to give you a ride to school before I leave?" He nodded his head gently and you rolled off of him and onto the other side of the bed.

While Tanaka was getting ready in the bathroom, you grabbed your clothes from yesterday. Much to your dismay your shirt and jeans were covered in dirt and blood. You walked down the hallway to Saeko's room, lightly knocking on the door. "Big sis? Would I be able to borrow some of your clothes?" Saeko's door flung open and she pulled you inside before rushing to her closet.

She threw you a tight black shirt that reached just above your naval, along with black ripped jeans. "You know Y/n, I would love to take you shopping some time. We could make you look incredibly sexy." You giggled with a wide smile on your face. "I would love that. Maybe when I come over next weekend we can go." You changed in the bathroom downstairs, brushing both your hair and teeth and leaving your dirty clothes in the hamper.

Once you were done you saw Tanaka waiting in the kitchen waiting for you. You ran behind his grabbing his hand and dragging him to the door. He was laughing at your goofy antics. Tanaka could never imagine that the girl who made silly faces at him on their first date would be capable of being in a gang.


Tanaka had taken you on your first date 6 months after you had met. It took him a long time to gain the courage. The two of you decided to spend the day together. That morning Tanaka had brought you to a flea market. The two of you walked hand in hand through the stalls.

But there was one stall that caught your eye. You abruptly let go of Tanaka's hand and ran off. This stall was filled with hand painted masks. Some were beautifully crafted while others were painted with silly faces. When Tanaka had finally caught up to you there was a mask in your hand but he couldn't see what was on it yet.

When you notice him approaching you, put the mask up to your face. It was elegantly painted. But you had decided to start talking to him, acting like a proper elegant lady. "Good day sir. Would you like to accompany me to a meal at the palace this evening?" Tanaka chuckled and grabbed another mask, not paying attention to which one he took. He held it up to his face before responding. "Of course m'lady. I would love to. But only if you shall allow it."

When Tanaka finished you calmly put the mask you were holding back on the table before laughing hysterically. "Ryu, did you even look at the mask first!" Tanaka pulled the mask down from his face and looked at it. He had grabbed a goalie stitches mask (If you don't know what it is you can look it up. It's a MA hockey thing that not a lot of people get. Oops.). As soon as he looked at it he burst out laughing too.

After another hour of looking around, the two of you had decided to go to a cafe. Tanaka seemed nervous, he kept fidgeting with his fingers and wouldn't look you in the eye. It seemed like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. "Hey Ryu." When Tanaka looked up he saw you with your cheeks puffed out while your tongue was sticking out slightly. He tilted his head in confusion while you kept making funny faces at him. Eventually he started laughing and taking pictures of you.

"You wanna tell me what you were thinking about since you aren't so tense anymore?" You had a gentle smile on your face. "Yeah, thank you for that." He chuckled. "Um, Y/n? Would you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend?" Your smile grew bigger and you nearly jumped over the table to give him a hug. "I would love to."

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