CH 22

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It's been a few days since you started staying with Ryu and his sister. The first night you were here Saeko had nearly tackled you to the ground. Needless to say, you regretted not getting checked out at the hospital before coming to Miyagi. Since then you've been on strict bed rest.

You've spent the past couple of days sitting in bed reading books. Either Ryu or Saeko would bring you food in bed, and while you were eating they would wrap new bandages around your head. Every time Ryu was in charge of new bandages he would leave a gentle kiss on your forehead. You felt bad that they had to take care of you, you felt even worse that you had practically moved into their home without asking.

Ryu had told you this morning that he would be home late, they had extra training for the next few days. He had gone to school hours ago, and Saeko had already left for work as well. A heavy sigh left your lips. "That's it! I can't take this anymore." Sitting up in bed you decided that you were going to visit practice. You were wearing a pair of f/c sweatpants and a white fitted t-shirt. Your face was slightly bruised and your head was wrapped sloppily dressed with bandages so you decided to steal one of your boyfriend's many beanies.

Ignoring the slight pain in your head you slipped on your shoes and headed outside. The walk to his school was nice to say the least. There was a slight breeze that brushed through your hair. No matter how much time you spent in Miyagi you could never get over how beautiful it was. There was just something that you loved about the countryside.

As you walked you noticed hoards of students passing by. You easily recognized the Karasuno uniform, but people were also walking around in tan and white uniforms as well. As you passed them you decided to keep to yourself. But you could hear them whispering about your disheveled appearance. What you didn't seem to notice was a group of boys wearing turquoise and white track uniforms that had all stopped to look at you passing by. A boy with black spikey hair wanting to stop you from your walk to see if you were okay. But stopped in his tracks when he saw the direction you were headed.

You were so caught up in the scenery that you almost didn't notice you were in front of Karasuno. Slowly approaching the gym you could feel your headache worsening and your vision started to blur slightly. Maybe a walk wasn't the best idea, but it was too late now.

Standing at the door of the gym you could hear a few of the team members talking. "I wonder how things are going between Tanaka and her." One of the team members quietly said. "He's been kind of out of it the past couple of days. Do you think something happened?"

Before the two could continue talking they heard the door behind them slide open. There they saw you standing there. "Sorry for the intrusion. Is it okay if I watch practice?" At your question all heads seemed to turn in your direction. Each one of them noted the bruises that littered your face and arms. Suga was the first person to speak, a soft smile gracing his features. "Of course you can stay. Just take a seat over by coach."

As you were about to head to the bench you felt a small body clash into yours, knocking the both of you off of your feet. Flinching slightly waiting for your aching head to hit the ground. But it never came. Opening your eyes you were met with the annoyed face of Tanaka and a scared looking Hinata.

"Be careful with her head Hinata!" The boy that was wrapped around your waist abruptly let go of you and started apologizing. You giggled slightly before looking back at Tanaka. "Thanks for the save Ryu." Tanaka's expression softened for a moment before going back to scolding. "Y/n. I strictly remember telling you that you needed to stay in bed for a few more days."

You couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully. "It's boring at home by myself. What am I supposed to do all day?" The boy sighed. "I don't know, watch a movie or something."

"People with concussions aren't supposed to look at electronic screens. Keep up Ryu." You huffed slightly with a pout on your face.

Everyone had already gone back to practice while the two of you sat on the floor bickering. That is until the coach decided to get in the middle. "If your concussion is that bad you aren't supposed to be left alone much either. We have interhigh-preliminaries starting tomorrow, so you two better figure it out." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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