CH 11

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Everyone in the gym was staring at you with wide eyes. There was a bruise in the shape of a hand on your neck and dried blood all over the right side of your face. A small smile came to your face and you waved at the boys. "Hi guys! Sorry for interrupting your practice." Tanaka sprinted up to you and gently grabbed both sides of your face in his hands. "Y/n! Are you okay? What the hell happened to you? How did you end up here?" You giggled a little then winced at the sharp pain in your head.

"I'm fine Ryu, I'll tell you about it later. As for how I ended up here, I really don't know. I was just planning to go for a ride through Tokyo and I ended up here somehow." Tanaka nodded his head still looking over your injuries. "Tanaka! Bring the girl over here and lay her down on the bench!" An older man yelled. You had never met him, he had pulled back blonde hair and was wearing a tracksuit. You figured he was the coach.

Tanaka picked you up bridal style and carried you to a metal bench on the side of the court. The whole team was surrounding you. Daichi and Suga were telling someone named Kiyoko to go get a wet towel and a first aid kit. While the rest kept asking if you were okay. "Guys! I'm fine I swear!" Suga shook his head at you. "You're not fine. Your face is covered with blood. Now are you going to tell us what happened to you?" There were so many people surrounding you that it was overwhelming.They kept asking you questions that you didn't know how to answer.

Your boyfriend seemed to notice how uncomfortable you felt. "Everyone needs to back up a little. You're getting way too close to my girlfriend, so back off." They volleyball boys all backed up a little giving you some space. Kiyoko came back with a wet towel and the first aid kit for you. Tanaka grabbed the towel from her and started to clean the blood off of your face gently. The coach finally spoke up after the chaos. "I'm gonna call practice. There is no way any of you will be able to focus now." You shook your head. "I'm sorry for disrupting your practice. I really didn't mean to."

The coach looked down at you. "Don't worry about it kid. But I really need you to tell me what happened so that I can help in some way." You shook your head again. "There isn't anything that can be done anymore. It's been dealt with." Ukai's eyes widened a little at your statement, and tears started to form in your eyes.

Tanaka kissed your forehead gently. "N/n, you need to calm down a little. First I want you to tell me what happened to your head." You took a deep breath and let out a dry chuckle. "Mikey threw a potted plant at my head by accident." Everyone's eyes widened at your statement. "How does someone accidentally hit you in the head with a potted plant?" You looked over at Hinata who had his head tilted to the side.

"Everyone was yelling about what we were going to do about Pah. Mikey and Draken were yelling at each other and didn't notice me coming down the stairs. Mikey was aiming for the wall but it hit me instead." Tanaka looked into your eyes, he knew Mikey would never hurt you on purpose. You meant way too much to all of them. "What happened with Pah N/n?" You turned your face to the side, not wanting to look Tanaka in the eyes. "Can we go home and talk about this? Pah wouldn't want everyone knowing his business." Tanaka nodded his head and helped you sit up. You started to walk out of the gym, not saying a word to anyone. Just as you were about to exit, someone grabbed your arm. "If I need to call the cops to help you I will. You look pretty beat up kid." You smiled at Ukai's concern. "Thank you sir but it isn't necessary. I've been through worse than this before so don't worry too much about me."

The older man's eyes widened and he nodded his head while you walked out the door. Tanaka faced his teammates telling them he would let them know what happened tomorrow at practice then rushed after you. The two of you were silent on the ride to his house. But as soon as you sat on his bed he started to ask questions again. "Okay you need to tell me what's going on Y/n. What happened to Pah?"

"Ryu, Pah got arrested today."

Torn to Pieces Tanaka x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now