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an// sorry for not posting yesterday! anyway, for reference, we have two more chapters after this. and then i have five bonus chapters for you all <3 i love you and pretty please vote comment follow etcetc, it helps this book and me grow!


The class cheered as a teacher walked in, a box in her arms. "May I interrupt?" Your teacher nodded and you looked up from where you had your head resting against your arms.

"Yearbooks?" Tae asked from behind you. The teacher nodded.

"They were supposed to be delivered during homeroom but the sort out got slightly delayed. If you ordered one, please come up to get your copy."

The majority of the class stood and made their way up, including you. Jimin was to get up as well but had fallen asleep at his desk. When you returned to your seat from signing your name off, someone had brought him his copy.

You turned to face Taehyung to flip through the yearbook together. "There are so many pictures of hyung," he whispered as your teacher tried to get the class to settle down and look at the book after trigonometry review.

"Well, Joon was the star of the year," you sighed, running your finger over a picture of your friend making a speech at an assembly at some point through the year.

"Look at us on Halloween." Tae's long finger glided over the page to point the picture out. 

"We look cute."

"Ooh, let's see who won the awards!" He flicked to the back of the book and you paused to find Namjoon's yearbook quote. It was so typical of him, as expected.

"Joon won most likely to be president," you said with a small laugh.

"Look, Jungkookie won best looking."

"Of course he did."

"Did I win anything?" Tae's eyes roamed over the pages as you waited for him to find anything he might've won. He sighed, not finding his name anywhere. "No fair-- did you win anything?"

"Probably not." He looked again but didn't even finish doing so before someone called you.

"You guys won cutest couple!" someone yelled, pointing to you. Jimin was shaken awake by a classmate.


"You and y/n won cutest couple, dude!" It took Jiimin a second to put the yearbook that had been set in front of him and the looks he was getting from people in class together.

"Oh." He turned back to look at you and you looked up to meet his eye. You stared at each other for a moment as you remembered your last conversation together.

"What-- what is your problem?" 

Jimin wiped at his mouth. "What the fuck did you kiss him for?" he asked, gesturing towards the door. You'd gotten kicked out, of course. Asked to leave politely. You were lucky Yoongi hadn't been asked to leave too; he'd taken no part in whatever that had just happened.

"Why can't I kiss him? I can kiss whoever the fuck I want, Jimin."


"We weren't even real, remember?" You wiped away tears as you shouted at him. "We weren't even real-- you we-were-- you got jm/ex back so you can leave me the fuck alone now." You paced up and down the hall before pulling out your phone. Jimin walked closer to you.

"No, I didn't get her back--" Your fingers paused over the call button to Jin.

"Oh, so that's why you're back?" You hit call. "You're a fucking asshole."

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