Chapter 1. Meeting the Past

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This story was inspired by a chapter involving time travel in Love and the White Wolf, Book 3, written by myself. The chapter, called Carousel of Time describes the last morning James Buchanan Barnes and his wife Gail Barnes spent in Paris after several days working on an operation for the Sûreté Nationale, the French National Police. After detouring to Brooklyn to pick up their son Steve they returned to their country home where a mysterious portal appeared. Gail was thrown into the past where a very persistent younger Bucky Barnes pursued her. She faced difficult choices on how to deal with him, including whether to tell him about his future. Unlike the original book this story has been rewritten in the 3rd person to further expand on the characters. It explores an alternate timeline to that in Love and the White Wolf 3.

Prologue – September, 2022

After re-reading this story I made the decision to rewrite it from what was originally published. I have fleshed out some characters, added some situations and dialogue, and adjusted some parts so that it fits with scenarios in Part 2, Dangerous Times, and Part 3, Changing Times. It will also help set up scenarios in Part 4, Circles of Time. I hope you read it again and get something new from it.

Carousel of Time – An Alternative Bucky Barnes story

Chapter 1. Meeting the Past

It was the end of a long trip when the Avenger James "Bucky" Barnes, his wife Gail, and son Steve finally arrived home from their trip to Paris. They had spent time in Brooklyn with their friends Gus and Ma, who had looked after their son Steve while they were in the city of love. Then they spent a few days with James' partner, Sam Wilson, his sister and her sons. After picking up their dogs Rowdy and Goldy both James and his wife Gail were looking forward to some quiet time at their Louisiana country home.

As James carried the luggage inside Gail carried their toddler son, Steve. Her attention was drawn to a commotion in the yard as the dogs were both barking like crazy. Putting Steve down on the couch Gail went back outside to find their dogs in front of a strange portal. It was different than any portal Dr. Strange had ever produced with flashes of white and blue. Worried that the dogs might try to enter it she moved closer to grab their collars and pull them away. Rowdy went readily back to the house in response to James command to come as he also had heard the commotion. As Gail tightened her hold on Goldy's collar the dog suddenly lunged towards the opening, dragging Gail through it. James yelled but his voice was cut off as the portal closed behind her. She found herself in the middle of what appeared to be an army camp still holding on to Goldy's collar. It looked different than a modern army camp as everything seemed older and out of date. Thinking quickly Gail dragged Goldy behind some crates to hide.

"Shit," she said softly. "Where the hell am I?"

Hearing a woman's voice she looked to the side and saw a young dark haired brunette talking to an older soldier, a high ranking officer by the insignia he wore. They were arguing although she couldn't quite hear them so she moved closer.

"Agent Carter, the answer is no," said the older man. "When Operation Overlord begins you will stay with me at the rear. The Howling Commandos will be able to achieve their objectives without you as a distraction."

"General Phillips, you know I have received the same training as any other Special Operations Executive operative," she declared. "Why did you accept my transfer to the SSR if you weren't going to utilize my skills?"

Carousel of Time - An Alternative Bucky Barnes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now