Chapter 3. New York New York

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Note to readers: Before the age of computers the main method of communication between separated love ones was by letter. Even telephone conversations were difficult between North America and Europe until the 1970s. Sometimes the letters were late, or went missing, and it added to the sense of distance and longing that lovers faced.   There will be several letters in this and the next few chapters as Bucky and Kate learned more about each through the words they wrote to each other.

The journey across the North Atlantic was uneventful which suited Kate. She had worried that they could be subject to German submarine attack but several of the sailors on board assured her they had never even seen an enemy submarine on their journeys back and forth. She tried to get out several times a day but after a rough sea one day she was confined to bed with sea sickness. So popular was Goldy with the wounded soldiers that several offered to walk her and play with her while Kate wasn't feeling up to it. On their final day before they approached the port of New York she finally felt well enough to come on deck and was greeted as a long lost friend by several of the soldiers who took care of Goldy. Some offered to buy her but she couldn't. She told them of how her husband found the dog, tied up and abandoned in a wooded area near where they lived. They never did find out who she had belonged to. After she told them no one ever asked her again.

"I could never sell her," she told them. "She is the only thing I have left of my marriage, except for my wedding rings. Everything else was destroyed."

The following day the port was in view and many lined up as they passed the Statue of Liberty. When they passed the Brooklyn Navy Yards Kate saw it at its peak, full of ships being built. James father had worked there and she could see why he had such fond memories of his father's contributions to the war effort. There were hundreds of people at the dock, waiting to greet the returning soldiers. She disembarked, assisted with her two suitcases by a hospital porter, then went through the immigration check. They accepted the certificate for Goldy and Kate was welcomed home. As she struggled with Goldy and two bags a man approached who introduced himself as Jarvis, Howard Stark's butler. He expertly took the two suitcases and guided her to a car, which in her modern time would be considered a classic.

Jarvis, a former British army soldier was very polite as he assisted her, advising that Howard Stark had sent him a telegram about Kate losing her husband and son, that she was alone in the world. At first, he was under the impression that she was Stark's next conquest but she soon set him right. She made it clear that Howard was her friend, nothing more, and her heart belonged to a certain sergeant in the Howling Commandos. As he drove from the harbour into Manhattan Kate was impressed with how busy New York was even in 1944. Jarvis dropped her and Goldy off at the front of Howard's apartment building. The doorman let her in and called up to Mrs. Jarvis, who was the housekeeper to say Mr. Stark's guest was on her way up in the elevator. Ana Jarvis was waiting for her in the elevator lobby.

"Mrs. Horn," she said, offering her hand then petting the dog. "I am Ana Jarvis. My husband will bring your things up with him. What a lovely dog."

"This is Goldy," said Kate. "She's all that I have left from my home. Without Mr. Stark's help I would be destitute."

"He is a good man although he doesn't always show it," she said. "You must have touched his heart for him to help you. Please come in."

Ana opened the apartment door and Kate was visibly impressed at the size and layout of Howard's apartment. There were windows everywhere as well as an outdoor terrace. Her room was spacious and located at the north side of the apartment with a small art studio set up in the corner. There was also a crib, bassinet and change table. Although Howard's taste in the apartment was very masculine there were added feminine touches to the room based on suggestions from Ana. She confirmed there was an appointment with a top obstetrician scheduled for the next day which Jarvis would drive her to. Once Jarvis arrived he put her bags in her room. Thanking them both Kate unpacked her bags and looked at her meagre belongings. Ana came to tell her that lunch was almost ready and looked at the few articles of clothing Kate owned.

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