Chapter 21. A Quick Mission

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On Boxing Day Bucky was phoned by General Phillips and informed he would be picked up along with Captain Rogers and meet the General at a hangar at the Naval Air Station New York, which was actually located south east of Brooklyn.  Originally New York City's first municipal airport the location was turned over to the military for use during World War II and was still used by the Coast Guard and Navy.  When the vehicle arrived at the house with Steve in the front seat Bucky was surprised to see it was driven by George Farrell.  Getting into the back of the vehicle he asked what was going on.  Both men shrugged, although George did reveal he had been "drafted" into the SSR as a reserve officer based on the recommendations of Howard Stark.

When they pulled into the checkpoint at the station the guard looked at all three men carefully then flipped through his clipboard before saluting and allowing them access, directing them to an aircraft waiting on the field ahead.  General Phillips was waiting in his car and stepped out when he saw them approach.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt your holiday plans but I have a small mission for you," he said, gesturing towards the aircraft.  "It's something we just became aware of and time is of the essence.  Your particular skills are necessary.  Lieutenant Farrell, welcome to the SSR."

Inside Howard Stark was doing the pre-flight checks and waved George over to help him.  General Phillips stood inside the fuselage beside two cases and told the men to open them.  One case held Captain America's gear, including his shield and the other held Bucky's sniper gear. 

"We have received word from Sergeant Dugan of a scientist who was held captive by HYDRA," he said.  "The man was no fan of Dr. Zola and actively sabotaged his work, according to intelligence sources.  He sent word requesting immunity in the United States in order to assist us with our super soldier program but has since been recaptured by Soviet forces sympathetic to HYDRA.  He is being held in Soviet occupied territory in Germany.  We need someone to fly in, land, find him and bring him back safely.  I thought it was the perfect opportunity for you two super soldiers to get your feet wet as part of SHIELD."

Bucky started unbuttoning his shirt to change into his gear and Steve did the same as General Phillips gave them more detailed information.

"The scientist is Dr. Ernst Meyer," said the General.  "The facility will be guarded but with your abilities I'm sure you'll be able to handle a squad of ordinary men.  Dugan and the Howling Commandos will be waiting for you at the airfield and will act as your support."

He handed them a map of where the scientist was being held, and the last known breakdown of any opposition they would face.  George would act as copilot with Howard as pilot.  They would land at a secure airfield and wait for Steve and Bucky to find the facility, rescue the scientist, then take off once they boarded.

"Barnes, your little display in Dr. North's lab convinced me that you two are being wasted in desk jobs," said the General.  "If all goes to plan you should be back to kiss your wives on New Year's Eve.  Don't worry about your wives, I will fill them in personally as soon as you take off.  Gentlemen, good hunting."

As the plane took off both men grinned at each other.  It had been less than a year since they had fought together but it felt much longer.  In a sense, it was like returning to something familiar.  They both went over the plan and the layout of the facility where the scientist was being held.  Then they both stood just inside the cockpit looking out the front window.

"How are you doing, Howard?" said Bucky.  "Did you know about this yesterday?"

"I knew something was being planned," he said. "But I didn't know it would be us doing it.  Sorry to pull you away from your families at Christmas.  George, are you okay with being roped back into wartime flying?"

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