Chapter 6. Finding Home

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Fall 1944 New York/Brooklyn/Somewhere in France

Kate stayed with her future in-laws during the first weekend in October, her first visit since John's birth. When she arrived Friday night Mrs. Barnes excitedly told her of the four bedroom house that might be for sale in the next neighbourhood. Mr. Barnes suggested she take the baby for a walk and go look at it. He had already spoken to the owner and they said to drop by any time in the morning. She would have to go alone though as he had been called into the shipyard to work and Mrs. Barnes had to stay home with Rebecca.

The first evening was spent with the elder Barnes couple getting to know their grandchild. Mr. Barnes commented on the resemblance showing her a picture of Bucky at one month. He listened intently as Kate reluctantly revealed her secret to him. Then she cried as he embraced her and called her daughter like his wife had done. Like his wife he was concerned with the type of man her husband James had been. When assured that future Bucky was regarded as the best of men he had been satisfied. They talked of how to break it to current Bucky without endangering his timeline.

"I can't reveal too much," said Kate. "I'm already concerned that by telling both of you I may have endangered the plan."

"He will know something is amiss when he sees a picture of the child," said Mr. Barnes. "You must prepare how to answer him without revealing too much. I don't envy you."

On previous visits Kate slept in Bucky's room, surrounded by a lifetime of his acquisitions. This time she showed John his father's toys, books and pictures even though the baby didn't understand. She opened a drawer finding the freshly cleaned clothes from prior to Bucky's deployment to Europe still contained a remnant of his scent in them. As she breathed in the scent that was ingrained in her senses she was interrupted by Mrs. Barnes who admitted to doing the same thing herself. She wanted to know if the crib they had purchased for John was adequate. Kate assured her it was and that night they slept there together in his father's room enveloped by his scent.

The next morning after breakfast Kate put on a nice dress and dressed John. It was going to be a warm day so she didn't wear a sweater. Mr. Barnes wrote the address down so Kate headed out with John in a baby carriage to view the property herself. She heard her name called and turned stopping in surprise. Walking towards her, also pushing a baby carriage was Gail, her counterpart from the original timeline.

"What are you doing here?" she said, then noticing the carriage. "You had Sam? I named mine John, born September 26, 1944."

"Sam was born on the 26th as well," said Gail, "8 lbs 2 oz, 22 inches, born 4:02 am at home."

"No shit," Kate said grinning. "Sorry, language. Ladies aren't supposed to swear in this time. But same birth details. We're still connected somehow. Maybe it's that shaman thing they told us about in Wakanda."

"What are you doing on this street?" asked Gail. "Is this Brooklyn?"

"It is, and I'm looking for a house. Mr. Barnes told me about it but I can't find it."

"You won Mrs. Barnes over?" Gail asked. "Good. What are they like?"

"Very sweet, actually," replied Kate. "Tell Shuri all the Barnes men have the unique scent, with minor differences. It's how the mom knows the girl is right for her son. As soon as I told Mrs. Barnes about smelling James scent in the hospital after I was mugged I was accepted. She also wasn't surprised Bucky and I had sex already – apparently the Barnes men are all known for that as well. She came to the birth. Called me daughter once she smelled John."

Kate teared up a little and they hugged. Then they looked at each other's sons. They were duplicates. The women kept walking and Gail suggested they go one way. Then they saw it. A large two story on a large lot with lots of trees. It had a front porch and in the 21st century were worth a lot.

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