1 | Luna

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Trigger Warning: Murder

5 years ago. Los Angeles, California.

"Push!" The nurse yells out. I scream in pain while I push out a 8 pound baby.
"You're almost done Ms. Castillo." I grab the railings of the hospital bed for support.

I release a breath of relief when the pain disappears and I hear the sound of a infant crying. I slightly open my eyes and see the nurse holding a newborn.

"It's a girl." A girl. I barely see the nurse while my eyes flood with joyful tears. "She's beautiful." I say. The nurse cuts the umbilical cord and let's me hold my daughter.

The nurse pushes me to a hospital room to stay overnight.
"We don't have a name yet for the child." The nurse says while holding a clipboard. "Luna."
"Luna Slade."

I look at my peaceful daughter sleeping in my arms while Noah flashes in my mind. It's barely been 9 months since I left and I still have no way to get away from him.

"Use the phone beside your bed if you need anything Ms. Castillo. Have a peaceful night." "Thank you." The nurse exits the room and I cradle Luna closer to me.


I hear my hospital door handle jiggle. I slightly open my eye and see the door being slowly pushed open.

I stay still as I watch a body walk towards Lunas crib. You've got to be fucking kidding me. No one is touching my fucking daughter!

I jump out of my bed and lunge onto the figure. I pull the persons hair and we fall outside in the hallway.

"Who the fuck are you?" I yell out. The person stays on the ground. "Answer me you fucker!" I yell out.

They grabs onto my ankle and pulls me down to the ground. I fall on my back, knocking the air out of me.
They get up and run back to my hospital room.

I take their ankle this time and pull them back. "Let go!" A woman's voice yells to me. "Fuck you!" I yell back.

She kicks my face, making my nose start to bleed. "Whore." I whisper out.
I use my strength to lift myself off the ground. I grab onto the woman's hair and pull her away from my hospital room.

"What do you want?" I ask the woman. "Your daughter. She's a threat." "A threat to who?" The woman slowly shows a grin. "Mr. Slade. He doesn't want Noah to know he has a daughter so might as well get rid of her."

I feel the color of my face get drained away.
He's back.

I get the gun from the woman's pocket and point it towards her.
"You don't know how to use a gun." She taunts me. I cock the gun in front of her, showing her exactly how to use one.

"You will leave me and my daughter alone. Noah doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way as well." I say. The woman eyes me up and down. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why would you want to keep Noah's child away from him?" She asks me.

"It's better for him not to know." She obviously doesn't care when she runs towards me.
I pull the trigger of the gun and watch her body fall in front of me.

Shit. Maya you're in the middle of a hospital, people could have heard that!

Her blood surrounds her body while she lays on the ground lifeless. I tuck the gun into my night gown and drag her body by the ankles. What a lovely trail we made!

I toss her body into a dumpster behind the hospital. I look down at my bloody hands and my 8 year old memories flash in my mind.

But then they're replaced with Noah holding my hands. 'It's okay.' His voice repeats in my mind.

I know deep down it's wrong but the feeling of protecting my daughter and seeing my accomplishment fills my stomach with butterflies.

I just killed someone, I shouldn't be feeling like this!
But I am.
What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I go back and silently clean the hallway, leaving no trace. I hear crying coming from my hospital room and I run.

Luna cries in her crib. I take her in my arms and hold her close to my chest. "I'm here baby." I whisper repeatedly to her. I rock her in my arms until she stops crying.

I lay Luna back in her crib and watch her slowly fall back to sleep. I wonder what life would be like if I never left.
Would Noah be next to me? Maybe he would be sleeping with Luna in the empty chair beside my bed.

No. Stop Maya. You know exactly why you left. No matter how much you love and miss him, you can't go back. You can't put you, Luna, or Noah at risk.

 You can't put you, Luna, or Noah at risk

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Thank you for reading today's chapter.

Guys! This is real! The sequel is really here! Omgomgomg I'm so excited to write this story, including Luna because she has a huge impact on her parents, especially Noah of course.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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