34 | After Party

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I laugh as Noah runs toward our car with me over his shoulder. Everyone cheers as we wave and he sits me in the front passenger seat.
Noah runs to the driver side and quickly sits inside and starts the engine.

I wave goodbye to our guest, and blow a kiss to Luna as she waves back with Santiago and Chloe beside her.

"It's only 3 days, love." Noah says. "I know, I'm just gonna miss her." "We can always call Santiago if you want to talk to her." Noah reassures, and I nod.

We say our final goodbyes as Noah drives away to our 3 day getaway yacht.
When we arrive, I'm taken aback at how it's decorated. The "congratulations newly weds" sign hangs high above the yacht entrance.

Noah leads me inside, admiring the view we have.
"Do we have this all to ourselves?" I ask.

Noah's lips brush against my neck as he whispers a small 'yes' against my ear.
My body leans against him, his arms wrapping around me to carry me to our bedroom.

-Mature Content-

Noah gently places me on the bed as his lips reattach to my neck. My fingers find their way to his hair, digging into his roots as the pleasure of his tongue tortures me.

Small moans leave me mouth as I feel his bulge press against my clothed clit.
"So needy." He whispers against places small kisses against my jawline.

"May I, Mrs. Slade?" Noah asks as his hand hovers above my panties. I giggle to myself before nodding my head. His hand rips my panties off my body and throws them somewhere in the room.

Noah kisses my lips, jawline, neck, breasts, and chest all the way down to my exposed sex. His hot breath teases me, making my back jolt.

"Stay still love." He orders. The moment his tongue brushes against my folds, I release my head back from the pleasure. He licks me clean as his index and middle finger find their way inside me.

I mutter curse words under my breath as Noah's movements pick up to a fast and steady pace. I swear at the moment my heartbeat matched his movements.

As I feel myself come closer, he stops.
"Noah, please." I beg. He brings himself back to me, kissing my neck once again.

"You need to wait." He says. I hear his belt unbuckle as I feel the fabric of his pants slide against my thigh.

Noah massages his bulge against my exposed sex, making my shiver.
"Beg, love. Beg for me to fuck you."

He continues his slow movements while I struggle under everything.
"Please Noah. Fuck me all night." I whisper.

Noah gets up and pulls his boxers down, immediately coming back down to hover above me before sliding his cock inside of me.

My body reacts by attaching itself closer to Noah from the suddenness. My nails dig into his back as he starts with slow but tournament thrusts.

The way Noah's moans echo against my ear send me closer to the edge. "That's it. That's my beautiful fucking wife."

As if he couldn't sound any hotter.
I scratch my nails against Noah's back, hearing him groan under my actions.
"You're playing a rough game love." "I intend to."

Noah takes my hands and lock them down with his hands. His thrusts get faster as I no longer have the touch I want from him.

"Fuck!" I scream out. Noah can tell I was close so he grips my arms together with one hand and plays with my clit.

"That's it, baby. Cum for me." His commands is like he has access to the button inside me. His words play in my head as he matches me after.

We stay in our position for a bit before he kisses me sweetly one last time.

"I said all night." I whisper against his lips.
"You filthy little one."

Thank you for reading today's chapter

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Thank you for reading today's chapter.


anyways it's been a while since I wrote a smut scene so I wanted to give y'all a bit.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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