26 | Her secret eyes

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I feel a heavy feeling around my waist, too tight as well.
I slightly open my eyes to see tatted arms wrapping me. I already knew it was Noah from the different tattoos that I've memorized.

I slightly move, trying to loosen his grip. I hear him groan in his sleep, and I struggle to hold back my laugh.

I finally get out of bed without waking up Noah. I go to the restroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

As I finishing washing my face, I lift my head up and was shocked to see Noah standing right behind me.
"You fucker, I could've had a heart attack." I say as I hold my chest. "You're fine." He says.

I turn and lean my back against the sink. "Why didn't you knock? I could've been naked." "Nothing I haven't seen before." He says with a slight grin on his face.

I roll my eyes. "Can I help you?" I ask. "We haven't talked about Luna and about her going into school."
Right, we haven't.

"I think it's a great idea for her to go to the school, I'm just unsure if it's the safest option." I say. "What do you mean?"
"Do you think she would be safe at school with everything going on?" I ask as I walk towards him.

"It's probably not the safest but I could always assign bodyguards." Noah responds. "She shouldn't have to have bodyguards. She should be able to go somewhere where she doesn't have to look everywhere around her to see who is holding a gun." I say.

I don't want to stop Luna from getting a education, making new friends, none of that should be taken away from her.
But the thought of her being taken away from me scares me.

"I'll talk to Jax or Liam to see if they can take Luna to school and watch from a distance if you feel uncomfortable."
Sadly, that's probably our safest option. I hate how she needs to be watched but I would rather be safe than sorry.


"So how old is miss Luna?" The school principal asks both me and Noah.
"She's 5." I respond. "Well she would fit in perfectly with our kindergartners." The principal responds.

I look to Noah for reassurance. He gives me a small squeeze on my hand. I can't keep Luna home forever. She deserves the life of a normal child.

"We can get you started right away if you'd like." The principal asks Luna. Luna looks behind to Noah and I, and he reassures that she will be okay.
Luna shows off her smile as she walks away with the principal to her classroom.

"That wasn't so bad." Noah breaks the silence. "Where is Liam and Jax?" I ask in a frantic response.
"They're by the playground. They'll be here every day, I promise." Noah says.

Luna doesn't need to know that Liam and Jax are here. They can watch from a distance.


I walk into a classroom, followed by the principal.
"Class, we have a new student! This is Luna, please welcome her with warm hugs!" She says eagerly.
"Hi Luna." The class responds in unison. It's almost frightening.

A young adult man walks to us and kneels in front of me.
"Luna Slade?" He asks, and I nod my head.

He gives me a small smile and holds out his hand, and I hesitate to take it.
"Please, come sit." He softly asks. I give in and place my hand in his.

He walks me to the nearest empty seat towards the front. The table is surrounded with 1 girl and 2 boys.
"I'm Mr. Marco." He says with a smile on his face. "Don't be afraid to come to me for anything." He says, and I nod.

Thank you for reading today's chapter

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Thank you for reading today's chapter.

I apologize for the extremely late updates. I have to admit, I suck at this. I can't promise updates will be consistent but I can promise that they will happen. I won't disappear on you all but I can't say when the updates will be on certain days because of school and personal issues.
Again I apologize.

Also can we talk about how Marco is literally Lunas teacher?! Wtf.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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