31 | Fright in your eyes

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(This is a longer chapter and EXTREMELY SAD chapter so I recommend getting comfortable and getting your tissues. ALSO I RECOMMEND TO LISTEN TO THE SONG BECAUSE IT ADDS MORE TO THIS CHAPTER!!!)


"She's gonna be fine, Noah." Sophie gently places a hand on my shoulder as I hold on tight to Maya's hand.
The sound of the monitor beeping beside me scares me every moment. I fear that any second it could go flat, taking my love away.

Luna sits beside the bed in Elena's lap as everyone surrounds us with sorrow in their eyes.
"This shouldn't have happened. Not to her at least." I say.
"Your father is a ruthless man." Jax responds. "She didn't deserve this though, I did." "Noah, neither one of you deserve this kind of pain." Elena says.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I think of a life with Maya. How would Luna and I move on? We wouldn't.
Maya is someone that as much as you try to replace her, she's irreplaceable. She has that energy and radiance that is one of a kind.

I gently kiss Maya's hand before I let go.

I walk out the hospital room, hearing Liam and Jax following me from behind.
"Where are you going?" Liam asks. "To end this. This shit is ending and I don't care what I have to do." I say.

"Maya is on the edge of her life and you're leaving right now?" Liam says.
"This whole fucking thing is the reason she's in that hospital bed in the first place!" I yell.
"Watch Maya and Luna for me, please." I say before I turn to leave.

As I reach my car, I text my bastard of a father.
'Meet me at the old training center. We need to talk.'


I open the door as it creeks. The smell of old metal rust fills my nostrils as I step over dust and broken stone.
"Glad to see you again." My father walks from the behind the corner.

"I'm here to surrender." I say. "I never thought I would ever hear you say that." He says with a chuckle at the end.
"I'm tired of this shit! You got what you wanted, you have me here weak to you." I yell.

"This is because of Maya." He says. "It's a shame I had to go to those lengths to get you here."
"Fuck, you really are a heartless bitch." I say.

"I no longer want your company of mafia leadership anymore." He says, leaving me confused.
"I just want to end your bloodline."

"You touch Luna I will rip every organ left inside your horrific body." I say as I step closer to my father.
"Glad to see you're becoming the father I never could be." He whispers.

He taps my shoulder, and I feel a sharp pain in my back.
"It's a shame she couldn't see it."

I fall to my knees as my father stands above me, watching me struggle.
"Marco, why don't you call the hospital to release Maya." My father says.
"Yes sir." It's the man who I saw more than once around Maya.

"She can't be released!" I cry out. "That's the point son!" My father says proudly.
As he walks away, I grab his ankle and pull him back.

"I am begging you. Take whatever you want from me but please, please leave Maya and Luna out of my mess." I cry to my father.
I see a hint of guilt in his eyes. For a moment, I think there's a actual human inside his body.

"Not a chance." And in the same moment, my thoughts were crushed.
He kicks my arm away, leaving me to hiss in pain and bleed out.

"I have always thought you would grow to be better son. Be more stern, more guarded. Look what this woman has done to you." My father kneels down to me and says.
"I don't regret being with Maya. The only thing I regret is being related to you." I struggle to say my words.

My fathers hand impacts my cheek, making me cough up blood in the process.
"You're a disgrace to the Slade bloodline!" He yells in my face.
"I should've killed you 5 years ago. We could've ended this a long time ago." He says. "But you're stupid little bitch couldn't stay out of the fucking way!" My father yells.

The room starts to get darker with every word that leaves his filthy mouth.
"At least you'll die just how you wanted. Loved, Hero, Strong. All from her."

As I close my eyes, gunshots ring around the building.
This was it. These were my last moments.

I don't usually say thank you to many people, but Maya and Luna deserve it all.

God, promise me they'll grow to be successful. Let Luna achieve her dreams, and nothing to stop her.
Let Maya grow her company, she's worked too hard for it to go to waste.
Let me watch over both of them, cheering them on every step of the way.

Just as I feel myself almost give out, my body is lifted from the concrete floor.
"We're not doing this shit again!" I hear Liam yell.
"What are y'all doing here?" I softly ask. "You're a idiot if you think we'll leave you alone." Jax responds. "But my dad?" "He's gone."

Liam turns my head for me as I am too weak and I see Marco and my father laid out of the floor in a pool of their own blood.

"Let's go, Maya will be disappointed in us if we don't help you." Liam jokes.
They lift me and carry me to the car as we race back to the hospital.
I don't know if I'll make it, but if I don't, just know I will always and forever love you Maya.

I don't know if I'll make it, but if I don't, just know I will always and forever love you Maya

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I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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