5 | Lies unfold

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I finish Lunas hair, pinning a sparkle flower to clip the top half of her hair up.
"You look beautiful." I say to Luna, placing a playful kiss on her cheek.

"You girls ready?" Chloe knocks on the door. "Yes we-." I cut myself off when Chloe walks in wearing a gorgeous white wedding gown.

"Wow. You look like Cinderella." Luna says. "Thank you Luna." I cry to myself as I eye Chloe. "My brother better shed a tear when he sees you or im slapping him." I say. Chloe laughs while she holds her crown from falling off her head.

"You ready, Ms. Castillo?" I ask her. "I'm not a Castillo yet." "But you will be in..." I lift my wrist to check my watch. "10 minutes."

Chloe takes multiple deeps breaths and paces the room.
"You're not getting cold feet, are you?" I ask her. "Absolutely not! I just need to prep myself." Chloe stares at the ground while she talks to herself like a insane person.

"Hey." I grab her attention while I hold her shoulders. "Stop it. Everything is going to be great." She slowly nods.
"Now go marry my brother." Chloe smiles and hugs me. "I'm so lucky to call you a sister now."

I feel my heart flutter at her words. A sister. I've never had one of those. I wrap my arms around her and tug into our hug.

I pull away from our hug first. I take lunas hand and I say our goodbyes to Chloe before we go to the alter.

I sit in the front aisle and I sit Luna next to me. "What the fuck." I hear behind me. A familiar voice.

I turn and see Sophie and Liam walking in together.
I jump from my seat and run to hug Sophie.

"Where the hell have you been?" She asks me. "I wish I could tell you. I want you to know the real reason but it's too dangerous." I say in our hug.

"It doesn't matter, as long as your back." Sophie pulls from our hug and stares at me.
"You've grown so much! 5 years has done a lot to you." "Are you saying I'm old now? You're a year older than me!"
Sophie and I laugh amongst ourselves before we're interrupted.

"Sorry to burst the party but I am also here." Liam chimes in.
I pull Liam into a tight hug, almost knocking the air right out of him.

"It's good to see you again Liam." "Likewise Maya."
We pull away from our hug and I fix my dress.

"Noah will be glad to see you as well." Liam says. I pause my movements and quickly stare at them both.
"Actually, can we keep this between us? I don't want him to know I'm here."

Sophie and Liam exchange weird looks but nod to each other.
"Deal." Sophie says. I thank both of them and return back to my seat to see Chloe walk down the aisle.

After my brother and my sister in-law say their 'I do's, we all stand and clap for the newlyweds.

I take a glass of champagne while I talk to Chloe.
"How does it feel to be part of the family now?" I ask. "It feels pretty good!" She says in a playful way.

"A dance, Mrs. Castillo?" Santiago says in a charming way. Chloe places her champagne glass on the table behind us and takes my brothers hand.

I watch while Santiago and Chloe dance together. They never take their eyes off each other and I cherish the scene in front of me.

"Mommy!" I hear Luna. I see her tugging on my dress, catching my attention. "What is it baby?" I ask. "I wanna dance!" I take Lunas hand and lead her to the dance floor.

I bend my knees while I sway to the music with my daughter. Her dress flows while she turns under the disco lights. She's my greatest gift ever.

I feel I'm being watched, but that would be a understatement. My body feels hot, like a stare is burning inside me.

Maybe I'm just too tired. I've been up since 8 am helping with decorations and getting Santiago fixed for tonight.

I take Lunas hand and walk to Santiago and Chloe.
"We're gonna go home. My feet hurt and I'm already feeling tired." "Im glad you could make it." Chloe says. I give her a hug before I turn to my brother.
"Stay safe, both of you." Santiago says. I hug him as well and we both leave the venue.

As I walk with Luna, I still feel hot. Extremely hot.

"Luna." I say. She looks up at me while we still walk together. "Stand behind me."
After 3 years, Luna has learned my codes when I need to keep her safe. Especially with my new ways.

I reach in my purse and grab my gun, pointing at the figure following us.
But I wasn't expecting them.


I lower my gun while I see the man I loved, no, still love, standing in front of me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asks me. His voice sounds desperate and it breaks my heart to hear him like this.

I struggle to get any words out.
"Mommy." Luna says.

Luna walks from behind me and shows herself to Noah.
"Mommy?" Noah repeats.

I see his face turn frustrated and confused.
"What's your name?" He asks Luna. "Luna Slade."

I shut my eyes as I feel the rug being pulled from under my feet.

"Luna Slade." Noah says. His eyes scan me and make me feel excited but scared at the same time.

"Mommy who is this?" She asks me. "Yeah, who am I?" Noah mocks.

"Princess..." I kneel in front of Luna.
"This is Noah." Luna turns to him and turns back to me.
"He's your father."

Thank you for reading today's chapter

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Thank you for reading today's chapter.

WE ARE REUNITED! AND WE HAVE THE WBOLE FAMILY HERE! Now we wait and see how Luna and Noah both react to the news, along with the rest of the characters.

I apologize again for the late update. School can kiss my ass from now on.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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